Friday, March 30, 2012

Depending On You

You are  the one I cling to
When all the world is in a stew
you're the one who clears my head
When I lie down in my bed

All the wrong that is about
It's enough to make one shout
But you are there to calm my nerves
You are more than one deserves

You are the one who gets me thru
All the things I can not do
On You Lord Jesus I so depend
You Lord Jesus, are my best friend


I rise and stumble down the hall
Four AM says the clock on the wall
I dress and hurry to the car
My destination is not far

I can hardly wait to see again
The one who is my 'bestest' friend
Every week I get the chance
To spend the time in this romance

The one who loves me more than me
The one who fills my heart with glee
It's no wonder I want to see
My dear Jesus, I love thee

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


March 20, 2012
It’s the first day of spring, the vernal equinox.  I love the cool spring breeze that rustles the leaves in the trees.  I love the smell of fresh cut grass and the beautiful wildflowers that cover the lush green pastures.  I love all the new life that blossoms around me.
But couldn’t God have figured out some other way to make this cycle of life work...without pollen.  It seems to me that spreading pollen, sowing wild oats and eating apples has caused mankind a lot of trouble.  All the coughing, hacking and sneezing really takes some of the fun out of spring. 

Dear Jesus
Thank you Lord for all you do
I know it all depends on You
I know you have a great plan
And of that plan I am a fan
I know You know what I mean
So I’ll just take my Antihistamine