Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday

Ashes were placed upon my head
Reminding me why Jesus bled
There is nothing in this world to dread
Not even when I’m gone and dead.

All my fears and worries fled
With Our Lord’s life giving bread
This is how my faith is fed
‘Tis not me but HIM instead.

Hope is more than a tiny thread
So I must…The Word widespread
For this I ask that I be led
Dear Jesus you are intrepid.


Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Carrying The Cross

You always hear about “carrying your cross”...and I’ve sort of come to grips with this idea.  While I can grasp this concept on an intellectual level…on an emotional level I am not so sure.  My cross is so small it fits nicely in my back pocket tucked away where it does not bother me.  But on occasion it pokes me in the ass and I resort to winning and crying "why me?"  I keep going down the some ole road, falling into the same ole pothole, getting stuck in the same ole rut...“Why me...Why do I have to suffer?"

The answer that I keep coming up with…which is really a question…is: How can I know Jesus…really know Jesus?    Unless I experience some of what HE went through.
Rejected, jerked around, spit upon, flogged. 
Perhaps I need to drink just a tiny sip from the cup.
And stop grumbling about a few little aches and pains.

OK…carrying the cross is one thing…but hanging on it…that worries me.  

Dear Lord Jesus,
While in my nest I have messed
But You forgave all transgressed
As far it is from east to west

Yes…I know, I am a pest
Please forgive my protest
Your love you have so expressed
As hanging there would suggest

I am weak and under lots of stress
But when it is time for the test
I want to do my very best
For this I pray…my final rest

YOUR actions show I am blessed
How can I not be impressed?
So this I promise is my quest
To follow you…I’ve professed


Monday, February 2, 2015

Today's Prayer

While worldly morals swing and sway
I to you, Lord Jesus, pray
That you keep me safe this day
So I may not go astray.
