Thursday, August 19, 2010

I Miss Her

I miss her not being here…but I understand she needs to be five hundred miles away at her mother's. I am glad she is there…with her mom…holding her hand.

Each day I read her emails on the status of my mother-in-law chronicling the use of supplemental oxygen, the new “hospital” bed, the wheelchair, the edema, the restless waking at night. When I read between the lines I can feel the worry and anxiety of my wife. Each day we are one day closer to the inevitable…one hundred and three years, five months, nineteen days and counting. I can only imagine that it is as painful as giving birth. Like the labor pains, each day is an emotional and physical challenge. It is painful but will be worth it. The end result will be as joyful as a new birth and in some strange way will be a birth into eternal life…a joyful life indeed. All the tears will be wiped away…all the pain and heartache gone.

So for this I pray

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep;

if I die before I wake,

I pray for God my soul to take.

Bad Habits?

We’re all creatures of habit…so…be careful with whom you hang out. It all starts innocently enough with those people. You begin hanging around those who hang out at church. The first thing you know, you’re hanging out at the same places. Then you start going to an occasional Mass. Before you know it you’re going on a regular basis. Then you find yourself showing up for daily mass, partaking of the sacraments, listening to the WORD, and on and on. Without realizing it you’re hooked. The mold is set…the die is casted. You’re caught in an ever-tightening spiral that sucks you in. You are helpless. You give up and you give in.

Dear Lord Jesus;

I know it’s been a long, long fight,
It didn’t happen over night,
But I’m so glad I finally caved,
Thanks to You I‘ve been saved.

Thanks for all the people sent,
Who knows where I would have went,
But now am hooked from above,
Addicted to Your awesome love.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Bad Choices

To my beloved grandson;

Cameron, Please forgive me. I was wrong making you choose between playing your X-Box and going to church. After returning from Sunday Mass I realized that God never forces anyone to love him. It’s a free choice and the choice is entirely yours. Regardless of your choice God will always love you and I will always love you.

But believe me it really hurts to see you making the same mistakes I made as a child. Those choices have consequences…I can assure you…the consequences are not fun.

So…words to the wise…learn from others mistakes, don’t make all the same old mistake I did.

Love always

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Dressed Up

I dressed up in my Sunday suit…actually my only suit…white shirt and red tie. As of late, I’ve been wearing this same outfit, each and every Sunday. This is all part of a new strategy, a new and long-range strategy. While I am a bit uncomfortable I feel the sacrifice is well worth it. My plan is to wear the same suit every Sunday and then on Judgment Day…in an attempt to be recognized. For nothing would be worse than receiving the “Depart from Me, I never knew you” speech. At a minimum, I’m hoping for “Don’t I know you?” or “Where have I seen you before?” So I might answer “Yep! That was me, at your Fathers house." I think the plan might work. There is a method to my madness.

These days wearing a suit to Sunday Mass definitely makes you stand out. I am even considering sitting in the front row. I need to take advantage of every opportunity I can.

Actually, I am counting on a lot of forgiveness and God’s infinite mercy.

Perhaps I need to reconsider my actions when I am not wearing the suit.

Dear, Lord Jesus,

In this world of grand, to be a Dapper Dan
It is the clothes that flatters
It’s often said, that when you are dead
There’s nothing more that matters.

But when standing alone, before the throne,
I question this worldly notion
As I face my wrong, without one stitch on
It seems a foolish potion.

If ever my needs outweigh my deeds
This would be the instance
For this is the place, for God’s mercy and grace
And I accept with no resistance.