Sunday, November 27, 2011

Vespa? Vespers?

My wife dragged me to Vespers at the Incarnate Word Convent Chapel.  Now I’m thinking…Vespers…?  What’s vespers?
In my mind I’m thinking-- Vespers: 1) the plural form of the word Vespa. An Italian motor scooter, which gained popularity in the 50’s and 60’s.  Or 2) the term used referring to those enthusiasts who collect Vespa scooters.
So, I go…I go to a chapel that was apparently built for little old nuns…because the seats were short, the kneelers were awkward and the pews were uncomfortable…obviously the designer didn’t have the comfort of fat sinners in mind. 
But, I enjoyed just sitting there; I enjoyed just being there…not worrying about all the millions of other thing I usually consider important and the projects I feel like I need to complete.  I soaked in the moment.
The chanting, the incense and the whole atmosphere of peace, calm and reverence gave me a strange feeling like goose bumps on my soul.
So…my definition…wrong again.  Actually…Vespers or evening prayer is an ancient prayer form that predates the church.  It is a gift from our Jewish brothers and sisters.  It finds its base in the prayers of the Psalms.  This prayer calls us to give praise and thanksgiving to our loving God.

Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For a needed lesson again
And as always for being a friend

Sunday, November 20, 2011


I spent a restful weekend with someone who loves me. It was a silent retreat with God...and eleven other guys.  I enjoy the fits me and my introverted nature...the silence helps cover over my lack of social skills. 
I don't know why God loves me but I know He does. He has proven it so many times, in so many ways...not even to mention the "the big one". So I'm glad to spend this time with him away from the rest of the busy world, the TV and all the other people that intimidate me with their worldly high expectations.

God is petty cool...he doesn't expect much...just love him above all and love my neighbor as myself. Two Simple rules for a too simple me. 
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this time
For this time that is so sublime
Give me the courage to be the light
Give me the strength to win the fight

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stick To Your Guns

While I’m uncomfortable in groups of more than one, I forced myself to attend the EWMBC (early Wednesday morning breakfast club) where the topic of discussion was “paying the price”.   Sticking to your beliefs…even when it is not politically correct, not in fashion and not in step with the rest of the world.  It made me think of yesterday’s readings (2 Maccabees 6:18-31) when Eleazar would not eat the pork…or even pretend to eat it…in order to save his neck.  “…Eleazar made up his mind in a noble manner, worthy of his years, the dignity of his advanced age, the merited distinction of his gray hair, and of the admirable life he had lived…” He paid the price…he stuck to his guns. 

I would like to think I am a person of integrity and would stick to my gun like Eleazar.   But…I know I have a predilection for bacon and a tendency to reach for my Visa card when it comes to paying the price.    

Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For putting the bacon back on the table.
For I am weak but You are able.
This is a fact, not a fable. 

Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For Your patience with a stubborn mule.
For the New Covenant to simplify the rule.
For Your cross that saved this fool.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tin Box

I arose early and tiptoed into the kitchen to grab a bite before starting my Saturday project.  As I smeared some peanut butter on a slice of bread I noticed the tin matchbox holder next to the stove.  Old and aged, I recognized it as the one that had always hung next to my mother in law’s stove. As all the memories rushed back, I had to bite my tongue and hold my breath to keep the tears in check.  I began to understand why my dear wife was having such a hard time dealing with the disposal of her mother’s belongings and closing up the house in which she had been raised.

Yesterday, while listening to her tell of saying good-bye to her mother’s house and the Church her grand parents built…the one her mother attending for so many years…I helped unpack her car and carried in the tattered books, the tiny bells and the homemade pottery…her mother’s stuff.

Lubbock, TX will not be the same. The passing of…to some…just a second grade school teacher but…to most…she was so much more. I have no words that express my feelings for the loss of this good and faithful servant.  I can only console myself with the knowledge that she will be rewarded for her 104 years of good and faithful service.
My wife is a strong woman, just like her mother, not given to emotional outbursts of crying or crazy mood swings but strong in her convictions and beliefs.  I know she will be just fine. 
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for these little reminders of someone who was a clear reflection of You.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Word Of The Day

Spell: Concupiscence

Definition: Con-cu-pis-cence (noun) Lust or strong desire.

Use it in a sentence: I am hell-bent to keep my concupiscence from sucking me down the toilet of life.

This word came up at our early Wednesday morning breakfast club and it became abundantly clear to me that I am not and never will be in the world of academia.  While I love big words…my talent seems to be in the area of misusing them.    Reading has always been a challenge for me.  With my dyslexia...reading is like a word jumble or crossword puzzle.  It’s like trying to decode “eat more Malto-meal” without a little orphan Annie decoder pen or “sind die Bismark” without the Enigma machine.  But I count it a blessing…not being able to read well…that way I don’t waste a lot of time reading a lot of useless information and can allocate more time to important stuff like…day dreaming, talking to myself or talking to God.

Dear Lord Jesus,
I’m thanking You for someone to talk to.
It’s not so rough, to talk important stuff,
For You understand the entire plan.
I am good to go, I don’t need to know
I trust in you, it will come true.
Your awesome plan that is so grand.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Neighbors Ox

I pulled my neighbors ox out of a ditch this morning.  Actually it was a Ram 2500 and it wasn't the Sabbath but it was a Holy Day.  Nevertheless, it was a good feeling to put my agenda on hold and help someone else.  Too many times I overlook these opportunities due to my tunnel vision self-interest.
Dear Lord Jesus, help keep me focused on what is important to you not me.