My friends at
the “W” were giving me grief about eating a potato and egg taquito without any
bacon on Fridays. So in my defense, to prove my point I Googled the
Catholics think that Vatican II did away with the requirement of not eating
meat on any Friday of the year. This is what the new Code of Canon Law brought
out in 1983 says about the matter:
Canon 1251
Abstinence from meat, or
from some other food as determined by the Episcopal Conference, is to be
observed on all Fridays, unless a solemnity should fall on a Friday. Abstinence
and fasting are to be observed on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
Of course, most Episcopal Conferences (The Catholic Bishops) have determined that,
instead of abstaining from meat, Catholics may perform other acts of penance or acts of charity…like being nice to someone. Well…that’s not happening…I’m
just going to skip the bacon. To my credit…I must also mention…that I
abstain from “liver” everyday of the week, all 365 day of the
year. Actually liver and brussels sprouts should not even be in a
food group.
Seriously, If you are going to be in any club
you must follow the club rules…not make up your own rules…otherwise you are not
really in that club. Check with the
“Country Club” If you don’t believe me. They will kick you out if you don’t follow their
rules. Apparently the Pope is a
little more lenient with Catholics.