Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tile Guy

Today, I am officially removing “Tile Guy” from the list of things that I want to be when I grow up.  Originally, I thought “how hard can it be?”  It looks easy but it is far too much work.  All that thinking involved in the layout and patterns, cutting all those tiles, mixing stuff, grouting, cleaning, wiping, wiping,'s all just too hard.  And the worst part is that I see all the little imperfections.  I would have never notice any of those imperfections if someone else had done the job.
So that's it…I'm not going to be a “tile guy.”

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the talent you gave me.
But I'm going to let the real "Tile Guy" do it next time.
and I will keep searching for the talent I buried.

Fritters And Friends

A clear sky and Fall temperatures lured the old men out with their old motorcycles onto the highways and byways.  Lured them out only to be chased by a rising sun up the Farm to Market road to the café.  Once safe inside they dined on apple fritters and cinnamon rolls…enjoying the company of other two wheel enthusiasts.  

Thank you Lord for fantastic mornings
They just appear without warnings
But most of all…for the fritters and friends
Cause they’re the ones that makes me grins.


Sunday, September 16, 2012


The Spiritual Renewal Center is a magical place.  Well…that's not the right "M" word...maybe mysterious or mystical place.  It is kind of a place that is far from this world.  It seems to exist in some twilight zone where time and space are suspended...a place where God's finger reaches through the clouds and touches me…leaving a profound mark on my heart and soul.  It is a place where I know that I am loved…a place where my past is forgiven…a place where my future is bright.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this special place
Suspended somewhere between time and space
For it gives me the chance to touch your face
And to feel the warmth of your sweet embrace
