Thursday, November 29, 2012

Professional Writer

It was a crushing blow.  Today my dream of becoming a professional writer was shattered.  I was offered a job addressing envelopes but after observing samples of my handwriting the offer was withdrawn.

Sunday, November 25, 2012


A house full of grandchildren gave me reason to pause and think back on my formative years…trying to recall if my childhood was so dramatic, so over-the-top and so volatile.  Perhaps it was.
 “The pancakes are too small” was the vociferous complaint.  I had to snicker and think to myself…eat more of them…there’s a solution.  Of course this wisdom only comes from a lifetime of living.  Then the cry rang out “I hate my life” as if in some subconscious struggle for attention.  Though I don’t remember being quite so vocal as a child…I am sure there were all the same runaway emotions at work.  In the old days…one did not want to draw too much attention because a father’s belt could dole out a bit more attention than one really wanted.
 I most definitely recall thinking how much I hated my life, hated my parents and how I wanted to flee the oppression they dished out.  How unfair they were…not allowing me to do as I pleased.  I was not allowed to play with guns or sharp sticks…not even run though the house with a pair of scissors.  I recall my mother’s exact words “you’ll put your eye out.”  It seemed everyone else got to do what they wanted to do…but never me.  I distinctly remember lying in bed at night plotting my escape…dreaming of running away and joining the circus.  Yes, I hated my life…life “Su@%ed”.  I just did not use that word…I suppose it wasn’t invented yet.  
 I recall how much I really, really wanted a Red Rider B-B gun and never got it…on the up side…I never shot my eye out.  I never considered the fact that I slept in a warm bed every night, I ate hot meals every day, and I got loads of Christmas presents every Christmas and birthday presents every birthday. Oh! No! That was never factored into the equation. 
 I don’t want to be a child again…well…I don’t want to be childish anymore. Those were some hard lessons to learn.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Give me the wisdom and patience to put up
with the children that force me to grow up.

Saturday, November 24, 2012


As a horizontally challenged person I find the Thanksgiving holidays taxing in many ways.  With all the required eating, optional snacking and gratuitous tasting…it is impossible not to overindulge. 
Then there is that requirement to wear some nice shirt…making it impossible to sneak out into the garage and accomplish any odd job for fear of rebuke because of that inevitable telltale oil spot that appears in the middle of your Sunday shirt.
So...I am stuck with nothing to keep my hands busy except handing calories to my mouth.  In an effort to curtail that activity…I’ve restricted myself to the couch, watching mind numbing football while dozing in and out of consciousness.  

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all
I thank you, Lord Jesus, this is my call
For family, for food, and even football
I so much enjoy this time in the Fall.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Turkey Day

At my wife’s request I dug my mother-in-law's dining room table out of the garage, hauled it into the house, installed the three leaves and raised the end flaps.  Thanksgiving is all about family and it was nice having my entire family all sitting at the massive table that for so many years my wife and her nine siblings sat around.  Admittedly it was a little sad not having my mother-in-law, "Big Red", present at the head of the table. But it brought back wonderful memories of all the years... all the Thanksgivings...all the good times spent with her and her family.  On this special day of Thanksgiving I am thankful for that…and all my many being at the top of that very long list.  Amen.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Flipping through the pages of my tattered notebook I notice a reoccurring theme…It seems I perseverate on my demise…my death…my passing on to the next life, the eternal life.  There always seems to be some question as to where or how I will spend that eternal time.  Even as I understand the promise of salvation I worry about my mustard seed size faith, which never seems to be enough to reassure me…especially in the light of God’s instructions “love thy neighbor as thy self”.  I’ve got the “love thy self” down pat.  But, that love my neighbor stuff…that’s difficult…especially when he irritates me.  And even more worrisome are the words “Love thy enemy” recorded in Matthew 5:43 and Luke 6:27.  That is really counter-intuitive to my selfish way of thinking.  I have to go through the mental gyrations of “love the sinner not the sin” in order to cope with that.   

Dear Lord Jesus,
I am afraid we are headed for difficult times in this land of the free and home of the brave.  I have enjoyed a prosperous life in a prosperous country and I thank you for that.  But I see troubled times on the horizon and religious persecution around the corner.  My prayer is that you water my tiny mustard seed of faith that it might grow into a large tree.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Letter To Titus

Today's reading of Paul’s letter to Titus was right on the money.

“Beloved: Remind them to be under the control of magistrates and authorities, to be obedient, to be open to every good enterprise.
They are to slander no one, to be peaceable, considerate, exercising all graciousness toward everyone.  For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, deluded, slaves to various desires and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful ourselves and hating one another.
  But when the kindness and generous love of God our savior appeared, not because of any righteous deeds we had done but because of his mercy, he saved us through the bath of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom he richly poured out on us through Jesus Christ our savior, so that we might be justified by his grace and become heirs in hope of eternal life.” (Titus 3:1-7)

That really sums it all up for me. For it is nothing I've done that has any merit but only by the grace and mercy of God and what Jesus did that I get to enjoy all I have…the least of which is an eternity with my creator and benefactor.

A "Thank You" seems insignificant and insufficient in light of these circumstances but it’s all I have.

Thank you, Lord Jesus
All I have is because of You
My life, my talent, my blessings too
Without Your help I could not do
All the things You want me to.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Day After

After a depressing night of watching TV, I woke up early and pedaled my way to church under a star filled crystal clear sky.  Strangely today’s readings seemed very appropriate and allowed me to refocus on who my leader really is.

          “The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear?
           The Lord is my life’s refuge; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27

All my fears dissipated because the Lord is my light and my salvation.

Thank you, Jesus.
I needed that.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Reader

     It seems I’m attending a lot more funerals as of late and I find it especially sobering when the deceased is an entire generation younger than I.  But I take comfort in the words from the Book of Wisdom as the reader reads them with such feeling and clarity. 
     My favorite reader, dressed in an elegantly tailored black suit, is a pleasure to listen to…not to mention look at.  I hang on every word as if they came from God's own lips.  Well, I guess the words do come from God…but she really makes it sound as if I am actually listening to the soft, sweet, confident and reassuring voice of God himself.  Yep! She is my favorite reader!  I want her to read at my funeral, but I suppose she will probably be sitting with the family of the deceased.  She will make a good-looking widow in that black suit.
     Thank you, Lord Jesus, for Your comforting word that I heard…and a wife who delights the ear with her soft spoken voice.