Looking through some old photos I came across a picture of
my NOW wife. She was wearing a
Dolly Parton wig and a mini skirt.
I recall being captured like “a deer in the headlights” by her painted
up Bambi eyes and incredible smile. I had no clue about what I was getting into
at that time…I had no idea about the real meaning of love…lust, maybe…but not
I have slowly come to realize that love is not always fun
but more of a slow martyrdom. A
dying of my selfish self and doing what my better half wants me to do. After all…she is always right…and…therefore…that’s what ultimately makes me happy.
To me, it seems that the requirements for getting married
should be more stringent.
If I recall…there were a few words from the priest…that I
did not listen to because my focus was somewhere else. Ideally, an intense course should be
taught culminating with a final exam, which should include a session of water
boarding to emphasize the seriousness of the matter. Also, for the slow
learners, like me, the couple should be joined together with ankle chains. Marriage is serious business from which there is no escape and should
not be taken lightly.
After 45 plus years of marriage I have finally figured it out…I am
thankful for Divine Providence and a patient wife. I consider myself blessed to have a God fearing spouse with an amazing
smile who still looks hot in a mini skirt.
Thank you Lord Jesus…
For undeserved blessings you heap upon me.
I’ll never be able to repay the fee.
Forgive me, Lord, for all the things I did not see.
For this I pray, this is my plea.