Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The Other White Meat

Eleazar, advanced in years, merited the distinction of his gray hair…for he was a man of integrity.  He not only refused to eat the other white meat but he refused to even pretend to partake of the pig, knowing full well the consequences.  Even pretending would lead others astray.  So they tortured and killed him.

Dear Lord Jesus
Grant me the courage of Eleazar.
For I tend to waffle and stray afar.
The time will come, I have no doubt.
When I will need to spit it out.
That noble man with hair of gray.
Had the gumption to show the way.

Today’s first reading was from the second book of Maccabees 2 MC 6:18-31

Thursday, November 7, 2013


We all stood up, raised our hands and prayed.  When I got to the part about “Thy will be done” I doubted my sincerity.  Somewhere in the back of my head lurked the nagging question…did I really mean it?  What if God wants me to be a martyr, possibility boiled in oil…or a Mother Teresa and live a life of poverty.  Frankly, I enjoy my soft cushy life, my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, my Mac and cheese.  I don’t want to give that up.  It is hard to imagine living in some third world country and starving.  I kinda feel guilty about all of my blessings.  I did nothing to deserve any of the wonderful gifts that I have been given, but believe me, I am definitely thankful. 

Thank you Lord for all You give.
With joy and peace I’ll try to live.
Give me strength to do Your will.
Even if it is a bitter pill.  
