In my childish wisdom I always thought “it’s not fair” when
I heard the story of the vineyard master who paid the workers their fair days
wages for a days work and then pays the workers who showed up at 5 o’clock the
same wages.
But now as the small hand of my epigenetic clock points to
the eleventh hour…I’m OK with that…I am OK with God’s brand of justice. I am OK
with it “not being fair” because I realize that I am the one who showed up at 5
o’clock. Funny how one’s
perspective change when the shoe is on the other foot.
Admittedly, I do not deserve it…but I will take it. I will
take the gift.
Salvation is a gift and all you have to do is say…“Thank You”.
Thank you Father God, thank you Lord Jesus, and thank you
Holy Spirit for all you have done and all you continue to do for me. I just want you to know that I appreciate
the gift that keeps on giving.