Today’s first reading…in Paul’s letter to the Romans…he
wrote, “I do not do the good I want but do the evil I do not want”. I see myself like him…“Miserable one
that I am”.
I muse about the about the Son of Man coming in his glory
and separating one from another as the shepherd separates the sheep from the
goats…and I speculate...perhaps I’m a goat in sheep’s clothing.
Dear Lord Jesus,
I do not do the good I want
Listening to the devil’s taunt.
I do not need to take this jaunt
It causes nothing but trouble and haunt.
As I approach my final sleep
I see my life in a heap.
I fret and ponder thoughts so deep
It gives me cause to cry and weep.
O’ my soul so thin and gaunt
‘tis your help
I truly want
Now I pledge Your Word to keep.
No more a goat…now a sheep.