As I endeavored to sit quietly and listen to what God is
saying to monkey mind swings from one illogical notion to another. I fumble
through the rosary in a mindless mouthing of words, losing my place and
restarting the repetitious prayers numerous times.
Help me Lord to be still and listen...for here I sit with pen and paper ready to
record what you tell me…yet no words are heard.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Here I sit/ I wiggle and squirm
Hoping your words/ will confirm
My longing for direction/ on my sojourn
In this I pray/ for the long term.
Thank you, Lord/ for putting up with me
Your love is unfathomed/ how can that be.
What You have done/ I can clearly see
The ultimate act/ just for me.
All I have/ is a humble Thank You.
That can never repay/ all that you do
Please pour out your grace/ upon me…a sinner
So I might run the race/ with you…a winner.