Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Land Of Plenty

After I left the morning meeting of old men who sit drinking coffee, bemoaning the current state of affairs and whimsically recalling the “good old days”, my survival instinct kicked in.  Being keenly aware of my wife’s aversion to grocery shopping, I decided to stop at HEB…besides I love the smell of fresh baked bread and figured they might have some blueberry muffins or maybe some oatmeal raisin cookies that I’m not allowed to eat.  As I walked in the store and pervade the plethora of produce I couldn’t help but think how blessed am I to live in this land of plenty, I have it all…aisle after aisle of all things eatable.  It just doesn’t get any better that this.  As I loaded up on butter, bacon and Blue Bell…I recalled this morning reading from the book of Job as he complained to God…”Perish the day on which I was born”.  Job had it all then God allowed it to all be taken away. 
Thank you; Lord, for all you have given me.  Please give me the courage to always praise your name no matter what happens. 

Dear Lord Jesus, please bless Blue Bell.
Protect them from evil and Listeria.
For that would even test Job’s patients.


Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Passing Years

As I face my fears of the passing years
More and more I am brought to tears
I see my elders in sharp decline
And know their fate will soon be mine

Gone are the days of carefree sublime
And all the nonsense of another time
Then I emerge from a cloud of madness
And all my sadness turns to gladness

The role in clover is not yet over
‘Tis not the ending, but the beginning
For the news is good when it’s understood
Of what it means nailed to the wood

For it’s not about me that makes the glee
He paid the fee, He set me free
I have nothing to offer, nothing to say
But thank you, Lord, You saved the day.


Friday, September 16, 2016

My Pen Is Dry

My pen has dried, my brain it’s fried
There is no ink, I cannot think
The words are gone, the rhyme is wrong
I want to write, but it’s such a fight

I say a prayer and you meet me there
I always knew you would come thru
You never fail when I am frail
All because you took that nail

Thank you, Lord you paid the bail.
