Saturday, January 28, 2017

Shovel Ready Jobs

I clearly recall my father’s stern warnings about staying in school, studying hard and making something of myself.  He always concluded with the statement: “You don’t want to dig ditches for a living.”  Each summer he somehow wrangled a job for me as an oilfield roustabout…that meant spending a lot of time operating a shovel. Apparently his “show and tell” approach worked…because in spite of my inabilities and total lack of interest in all things academic I struggled though school and obtained the coveted “Sheep Skin”.
Today, as I count the few remaining years until my 80th birthday, I find myself with shovel in hand digging the proverbial ditch that I was warned about as a child.
Thanks, Dad, for all you taught me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all my many undeserved blessings, especially, for giving me the good health to be able to do what so many can’t.
