Amazingly, all I have to do is load my basket, swipe my card
and enjoy all these many blessings.
“Why me?”…I think, especially when so many people have
nothing to eat and no place to sleep.
God has blessed me with much more than I deserve and for
that I am thankful…but at the same time a selfish part of me has trouble sharing.
When my wife takes food to her elderly little friend each
day, a twinge of selfishness comes over me. Why is that? I
have much more than I need.
Besides…I shouldn’t be eating that second helping…definitely
not all of that pecan pie.
Shouldn’t I be delighted about having plenty to share?
Shouldn’t I be joyful about sharing a few scraps from my
overstuffed refrigerator?
Dear Lord Jesus
Take away these selfish feelings
Rid me of my greedy dealings
I wish to be much more caring
And rejoice in the sharing.
Change my heart is all I ask
So in your glory I may bask
Hard headed am I, you know well
But hard hearted, I fear will get me hell.
So on this day, I do pray
That you may, my ego slay.