Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Anniversary # 53

I spent most of the day with Miss Mary trying to remember our first date.  It seems old age, Alzheimer’s or dementia has clouded our memories.  I finally decided and Mary agreed that it was the time we went to the Dance Hall in Slaton, Texas some twenty miles from Texas Tech in Lubbock.  I recall we were with two other “Tech” couples and all crammed into an old Plymouth that smoked.  But fifty plus years ago all the old cars smoked.  Every one was of drinking age except me.  So, yes, alcohol was involved. The evening was spent dancing around to tunes like Bob Wills’ “Big Ball’s in Cowtown” and Nat Stuckey’s “Pop at Top Again”.  By the end of evening my teeth had become numb (I suspect alcohol induced numbness) and my sides ached from laughing.  Mary and her crazy friends were and are the most entertaining, down to earth, real people I know and we all remain friends to this day. 

In celebration of this fifty-third year for marital bliss I took Miss Mary out to eat. Unfortunately the Sonic Drive In was packed, not an empty parking spot one.  So we ended up at the Olive Garden and were seated and a romantic booth off in a corner all to ourselves.  Admittedly the facemasks spoil some of the romance but the “unlimited salad and bread sticks” quickly captured my attention. 


Well, it has been a great day spent with my favorite girl friend.  


Happy 53rd Anniversary, Miss Mary




Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Confined to the house in my convalescence after being run over on my bicycle by a mini van.
  I decided to clean off my desk.  A job I had successfully avoided for the last eon.  That’s when I came across and old notebook of my unfinished thoughts, musings and half-baked ideas.  

This is one I titled “My Luke Warm Christianity”.

I squirmed in my pew as Father Patrick delivered his sermon about “the sins of omission” asking us if we had done all we could do...about all the missed opportunities…about all the times when we could have done more. 


My cocoon of self-righteousness was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

As I’ve aged I have grown out of the desire to do the bad things…sins of commission...or maybe I’ve lost the ability to do them.  Whatever...the point is…I’m not doing any good things. I have certainly passed up many occasions to have done more.

Dear Lord, Jesus, give me the wisdom see the opportunities you send my way and the fortitude and stamina to carry through.


Sunday, December 20, 2020

Morning Prayer

The King of love my shepherd is, 
Whose goodness fails me never; 
I nothing lack if I am his 
and he is mine for ever.

Where streams of living water flow,
To rest my soul he leads me;
Where fresh and fertile pastures grow,
With heavenly food he feeds me.

Perverse and foolish I have strayed,
But he with love has sought me,
And on his shoulders gently laid,
And home, rejoicing, brought me.

In death's dark vale I fear no ill,
With you, dear Lord, beside me;
Your rod and staff my comfort still,
Your cross will ever guide me.

You spread a banquet in my sight,
My head with oil anointing,
And let me taste the sweet delight
From your pure chalice flowing.

And so through all my length of days
Your goodness fails me never;
Good Shepherd, may I sing your praise
Within your house for ever.

Psalm 23 paraphrased by Henry Williams Barker 1821-1877

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Being Happy

There is something about getting older that tends to focus ones thoughts on the future... a future that passes through and goes beyond that hole in the dirt.

In my situation it is painfully apparent that the road I've traveled is much longer than the road that lies ahead. All of which gives me cause to ponder what is really important...being happy.

Being happy...It is a choice. I can choose to be happy or I can choose to be unhappy. I can choose worry and anxiety or peace and joy.

It is said that all good judgment is derived from the consequence of bad judgment. I have employed this trial and error method many times.

And over the course of many years of bad judgments and bad decisions I have come to the conclusion that God knows best...not me. So, I can skip all the bad judgments and decisions and go with God’s plan and therefore be happy.

I have decided to take God and his recommendations seriously.

It’s taken a lifetime to figure this out.
And now I want to scream and shout.
wasting time down the wrong road.
May cause your world to implode.

Now Listen to this advise
No need to think about it twice
Listen to the One who really knows
The One who died and arose

At whose Name every knee will bend
The one who is everyone’s friend
No need to look any farther.
It is Jesus Christ and the Father.



Sunday, October 4, 2020

Sunday Shoes

As I adorned myself in my Sunday best I noticed a hole in my Florsheims.  I don’t know when, if ever, I’ve inspected the bottom of these shoes.  It’s been eons since their purchase.  They only get worn once a week for an hour and maybe to an occasional funeral.  My plan was to wear them to my funeral…obviously that arrangement did not work out.

Thank you, Lord Jesus,


For letting me out-live these Sunday shoes.  

Before I take that final snooze.

When I hear them read the “Good News”.

It chases away all my blues.


It is You Lord, whom I choose

‘Tis You Lord, upon whom I muse.

You’re the one with all the cues

You’re the truth I cannot refuse.



Monday, September 14, 2020

Off In The Weeds

Bummed out, I sat there waiting for morning Mass to start.  As my fingers aimlessly wandered across the Rosary beads my mind wandered across the vacuum of time and space.

I couldn’t seem to get over my feelings of self-pity.  I bemoaned the fact that my knee hurt, my required face covering was making my glasses fog over and the thought of chocking on my own carbon dioxide were simply too much to bear.

My blank stare and unfocused gaze slowly fell on the huge crucifix behind the altar and there He was…hanging there with nails thought his hands and feet.

Oh, wow…what was I thinking?  I had no idea what pain and suffering was.  I just melted into a steaming pile of humility.  



Thank you; Lord, for keeping me grounded.

My self-pity is totally unfounded.

When I get to feeling blue.

I need to focus upon you.


When all the world is upside down.

And life put my face in a frown.

I can always count on you.

To be there and pull me thru.



Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Visiting My Sibling

I staggered from the truck dragging my bag into the house after a 12 hour and 50 minute marathon drive from my sister’s place. I was experiencing some sort of decompression effects from the non-stop trip as I lay on my bed and pondered the events of the last four-days.  I could feel a grin of satisfaction creep across my face, as I thought about our time together.  Attaching Diane’s old bicycle to her new grain mill, overhauling our dad’s old “Shop Smith”, cleaning out and repairing rain gutters on the barn, designing a new drainage ditch, cooking cinnamon rolls in her old oven that you have to prop the door closed with a chair…all replayed in my head.

It was a trip back in time to her one hundred acres in the middle of the beautiful Missouri hill country that had no paved road, no TV, no internet…my cell phone served no purpose other than as a flash light.  Her house has no air conditioning; its only source of heat is a wood-burning stove.  She is living proof that you don’t need all the modern amenities to be happy.  I chuckle thinking about her refrigerator she inherited from our great aunt back in the early 1970’s…it wasn’t new then…you have to make sure you push hard to close it so the latch will catch.  She trades hay for eggs, wears hand-me-down clothes, shovels out horse barns in trade for riding lessons and is totally unbothered by the latest fashions.  She lives by her self but I am amazed at the number of people who continually call or come by to visit and bring things by like freshly baked cranberry muffins...delicious.    

I recall the solar eclipse of 2017 when a large number of family and friends meet at her house and overwhelmed the septic system.  Apparently she never addressed that problem once everyone left…but now I did notice the drains all preformed in slow motion.  I love her optimistic attitude “it’s fine”. 
I don’t think it is the money that is a problem because she spends ridiculous amounts on horse feed and Vet bills for sick cats and horses that most people would have “put down” ages ago…it’s her priorities…it’s what’s important to her.  Grinding her own flour, making do with what the earth provides and taking care of God’s creatures are her main concerns.  

I don’t know anyone who is more unselfish, generous and considerate of others than her.  Hopefully I can take a page from her book and be more like that.    

Thank you, Diane, for reminding me of what is really important.  May God bless you and all your friends small and large.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Too Much TV

Dear Diary

One can only watch so much TV.  I’m not sure what is worse the “News” or “Real Housewives of Never-Never Land”.  Both seem to have a lot of unnecessary drama and very little useful information.  Actually eating is my favorite pastime…but I had consumed my daily calorie allowance by 11am.  So, I set out on my bicycle taking a circuitous route to St. Mary’s Church as I had heard rumors that it was open all day and the Blessed Sacrament was exposed.  I'm thinking let’s see what God has to say about this COVID-19 thing.  Sure enough the church was open but no exposed Blessed Sacrament.  I was a bit disappointed but the little red candle was burning so I knew Jesus was in.  I didn’t need all my fingers the count the number of people in the church…not even all the finger on one hand.  So I slipped in to the last pew and sat down.  My clothes were soaked with perspiration after pedaling over 10 mile in the 90-degree heat.  As I calmed myself and the sweat dried I began to count my blessings.  Even though we are in a worldwide crisis…it’s not so bad.  My roof doesn’t leak; the electricity is on, the water works, there is food in the fridge and I have money in my pocket.  And most importantly I know God is in charge. A toilet paper shortage just doesn’t compare to swarms of locust.

Dear Lord,
I don’t want to focus
Upon those locust
But rather thank you
For all that you do.

I must keep in mind
You’ve been too kind
Now I’m in dutch
You’ve done so much.

It’s no time to frown
When the chips are down
But seize courage ample
And follow your example.

If the truth be told
It is time to be bold
Time to alter my behavior.
And follow my Lord and Savior.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Stuck At Home

How strange it felt not being allowed to attend Sunday Mass but would have to watch it on TV.  In times gone by I would have welcomed the opportunity to miss Sunday Mass.  The gospel today was a poignant reminder of that “…I was blind but now I see”. John 9:25
At first I thought…OK…I just wear my flip-flops and T-shirt, lie on the couch and passively observe. But that did not seem quite right. So I dressed in my Sunday uniform, suit and tie.  The same suit and tie I wear every Sunday.  I always wear the same suit, same tie and same shirt every Sunday…my hope is that on judgment day Jesus will recognize me.  I’m hoping for a “Didn’t I see you at my fathers house?”…Well, one can hope.

Dear Jesus

For someone without a clue
I know this is a gospel true
That you are the perfect Jew
That saved a world in a stew.

I am on longer sad and blue
For out of sin us you drew
This is when I really knew
To you Lord praise is due.

So, this is my prayer to You
That there only be just a few
That catch this crazy China flu
Thank you Lord for all you do.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Social Distance

Social distancing does not bother an introvert like me in the least.  I consider it sort of a vacation, a break from those awkward group gatherings at which I am so inept.  I’m not anti social…I just lack any social skills.  

It is a blessing to me to be able to sit alone in my room and ruminate, think about stuff, important stuff, like the meaning of life and why people couldn’t be more like Sponge Bob…less brain and more heart.
Ok, maybe just stupid stuff. But, I discovered that I become boarded very easily.  

So, I looked for another option to entertain myself…besides eating.  After empting a full inch of rain from the gage I mounted my bicycle and went for an adventure along the almost empty streets with gray overcast skies and dark storm clouds off in the distance.

After pedaling the vacant back roads and bucking a 15-knot northeast wind for more than a half hour I turned back toward town.  With the wind at my back my spirits soared and the burn in my legs dissipated.  

I sailed down the highway passed the crowded Walmart parking lot and noticed many businesses were locked up and lights off.  It was a strange and eerie feeling. 

Dear Lord Jesus,

As my thoughts start to gel.
I pray you keep the nation well.
And the fear only you can quell.
So thank you for the place I dwell.

Sometimes I could just yell.
And withdraw into my shell.
But at the time of the final knell.
Everything will turn out swell.

Thank you for my good health.
Thank you for ample wealth.
Thank you for an amazing wife.
Thank you; Lord, for a fantastic life.


Monday, March 2, 2020

Forced Prayer

Today marks my completion of 75 years on this planet, 75 trips around the sun, 43,800 million miles plus another 12miles that I rode on my bicycle this very morning.  While the years and miles are starting to add up I’m still in relatively good health. But the inevitable end of the road is drawing nearer and nearer.  So, I’m starting to think about long range planning, starting to invest in “futures”…in eternity…in God’s stuff.  For it seems that it is the only sensible alternative for the future. I could be wrong but all the other options appear to be dead-ends.  So in an attempt to straighten up and fly right I’ve started to pray. Admittedly it is force prayer. I really have to make myself do it…it’s not easy.  I’d rather be wasting my time flipping channels or taking naps.  
In a recent talk about Lenten practices; prayer, fasting and almsgiving, Bishop Emeritus David Fellhauer mentioned that God loves forced prayer.  Well, I can guarantee mine is forced.

Thank you, Lord, for all my many blessings especially for my best friend and wife, the most amazing Miss Mary.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Can’t Sleep.

I lie in bed and rest my head
But sleep is not forthcoming
I stare at the clock that goes tic-tock
The situation is quite bumming.

I toss and turn with grave concern
The clock is not advancing
When morning nears I have my fears
I will not feel like dancing.

Perhaps it’s wise to close my eyes
And say a childhood prayer
For counting sheep I fond no sleep
So in the Lord I place my care.

“Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.
If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.
Now I lay me down to sleep.
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake,
I pray to God my soul to take.
If I should live for other days,
I pray the Lord to guide my ways.”

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Painful Reckoning

Over the years I have gradually moved from the back pew, at the prompting of my wife, toward the middle and finally to the front pew in the church.  Again my wife was right.  There are fewer distractions when you can’t see what’s going on behind you.  This strategy was working until last Sunday. 
Our organ and organist are situated behind a little wall behind the Altar and you can’t see her unless sitting in exactly the right spot.  
Well…last Sunday was my comeuppance.  For what ever reason the organ player came with a young child in tow, maybe five or six years old, maybe a grandson. 
He was a perfect example of angelic holiness, kneeling with hands folded in the most reverent way…for a moment.  Then jumping up and disappearing behind the little wall or fidgeting with his grandmother’s purse, wiggling and squirming, fiddling with the hymnal then back to his angelic position.  
His actions distracted and annoyed me.  
I want my Sunday experience to be perfect in ever way. I want to live in a perfect world.  I don’t think it’s asking too much…just one hour a week in a perfect world.   
Then I realized while my body was able to maintain the proper pious posture my mind was exactly like that six-year-old kid.  Paying attention one moment and off somewhere else the next.  
It was a humbling realization that I was a hypocrite.  I was there to thank God for all my blessings but I could not keep on task…not even for a few minutes.  

So I closed my eyes and prayed…

Forgive me Lord for my pompous behavior.
And thank you so for being my savior.
In times like these when I complain and mumble
You always know how to make me humble.


Monday, January 6, 2020

Countryside Ride

It was a beautiful day for a spin through the countryside. I traversed over hill and dale astride the 40 year old motorcycle.  It purred along with a steady drone as my shirt flutter in the breeze and hair dance about my head. 
Past the vineyard on the hill, the barns and barnyard, over the bridges and brooks along the narrow lane I bounded.  Ranch houses, cottages and cabins…cats, cows and chipmunks…even a horse or two scattered the landscape.  A furrowed field and picturesque pasture were sights suitable for framing. 
It all made me thankful for my many blessings as I breathed in the fresh cool January air.

Thank you Lord for this day
And for sending it my way
It is with some regret
That it is you I forget.  

To thank you is such a little thing
For all the many things you bring
Yet I forget who is in charge
And that’s a mistake that is so large.  
