Thursday, December 5, 2024

Turning My Nose Up

I‘ve never considered myself to be very sophisticated.  I’m more of the “wipe your nose on your sleeve” type of fellow.  But still I find the language on TV shows like “Yellowstone” or “Landman” a bit too rough for me.  

Believe me I know all the bad words and I’ve been guilty of using them in my younger years.  


But I wasn’t very good at cussing or cursing. It just didn’t roll off my tongue as it did with the other guys in the service.  They could use the “F” word in the same sentence numerous times and as numerous parts of speech: noun, pronoun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection.  It was quite amazing. 


At the time my decision to quit wasn’t a morality thing but I felt it showed a lack of command of the English language and a dreadful deficiency in my vocabulary.


I’ve gradually come to believe that what comes out of my mouth shows the condition of my soul.


If you take the bible seriously it seems to indicate that what is spoken with the tongue comes from the heart...and there you have it.


I must be getting old and times must be changing. Now day’s women’s lexicon has become worse than any Marine I ever know.


Dear Lord, help us return to a more classy time with softer tongues and softer hearts.



Mom’s Ole Pan

 Tis the season to drag out the ole vintage two piece aluminum Ware-Ever fruit cake pan that collects dust in the dark reaches of the lower cupboard.  This is the same pan my mother used to bake that fascination of my childhood memory.  I’ve never found her recipe but each year I try to duplicate her masterpiece of candied fruits, raisins and spices. Unfortunately I’ve never quite achieved her level of perfection. Perhaps the secret lies in the meticulous process of seasoning. Each day for months she would remove said cake from the sealed tin and apply a dose of old #7 Tennessee sour mash to that ring of goodness. 

Come Christmas the aroma of “fruitcake” left one reeling in anticipation of each bite.  
So I’ll try again… remembering mom and all the love and care she put into all her endeavors.