Today’s readings were 1 Peter 5:1-4 and Matthew’s Gospel 16:13-19 which talked about the chair of Peter, the first shepherd of the church. “
Ubi Petrus, ibi ecclesia”, Father started his homily. He explained that the old Latin saying translated to “Wherever Peter is, there is the church”.
That was the last thing I heard. Kidnapped by my own daydreams and transported back to the past, back to high school in LA, back to Latin class, back to the summer I spent working in the Big Bear Mountains with George Oller. George was the older brother of my older sister’s best friend, on leave from the seminary. He, several years my senior, invited me to spend the summer working odd jobs at Big Bear Lake where his older brother had a cabin. A real cabin, a cabin you had to hike the switchbacks to get to, a cabin without running water, electricity or an inside toilet. We spent the summer scraping paint, raking pine needles and making miscellaneous repairs for the locals. When we were not working we hiked and swam, explored old abandoned gold mines and generally investigated the mountains in his old ‘38 Ford pickup. Breakfast was usually biscuits…biscuits with a surprise ingredient…such as the leftovers from the previous evening’s supper. Peas and corn…were not unusual. I’m not sure if it was the work, the play, or the high mountain air that did away with any thoughts of a squeamish appetite…perhaps all the above…but “not eating” never crossed my mind.
George was one of a kind. Always a smile, always up beat, always ready to lend a hand. His crazy stories and silly one liner jokes went non-stop…he would say things like “If your nose runs and your feet smell then you are built upside down”. Without a doubt he was the goofiest, kindest, most compassionate, up front guy I’ve ever known. Subconsciously I learn a lot. He planted seeds that I would only come to fully appreciate much later.
After three years of high school Latin and many years later…the only Latin that I can remember is what George taught me “
Ubi O’ ubi es meum sub-ubi” (where O’ where are my underwhere).
Dear Lord Jesus,
George is camped out with you now.
I am sure he is keeping you entertained.
I can’t wait to see you both,
around the ‘ole campfire.