Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

My wife called me and asked if I wanted to go to the church Valentines Day dinner/dance. Fortunately I knew the answer to that question. The years of marriage training was starting to pay off. That evening came and she told me what to wear and when to get dressed.

We arrived and the ambiance was wonderful. It was a great meal with great service by the parish youth group and all served on the finest plastic flatware with real paper napkins.

I always marvel at how much my wife enjoys the social stuff, the visiting and talking to each and everyone. I love the fact that she seems to have no inhibitions…an absolute and total disregard for the possibility of making a fool of herself on the dance floor. While I prefer to hide among the wallflowers…I danced every dance she asked me to dance.

We are so different. My preference would be to not attend any function with people…people scare me and I lack in social skills. But I realize that is not healthy. We are like different sides of the same coin, like night and day, total opposites in every respect except for one. We both know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a sweetheart different than I
Thank you for a wife who makes me more than I am
Thank you for giving us an example of a perfect marriage.

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