Thursday, September 22, 2011


As I lie in the dark, supine on my bed, a flickering firefly of a thought escapes the grasp of my logic. It makes no sense that God would love me, yet…there is a yearning in my heart that tells me this is true.  As if picking at a sore…I keep revisiting the thought, straining my tinny brain and trying to make some meaning of it all...even though it is a mathematical impossibility that does not add up and an illogical truth that I cannot figure out. 
There is something in my bones, something in my being that draws me to Him.  I have to stop trying to use my logic and just go with it…after all…He is God…and God can do whatever he wants.  It does not have to be logical to me.  Like an inheritance…I’ve done nothing to deserve it, nothing to earn it and could never repay it.  I was just born into it, born into the house of David, born a child of God.  So for me this is nothing but an upside…why do I even question it? 

Thank you Lord Jesus for your blessings.
Please forgive all my questionings.
Strengthen my faith so I may see Your face.
Give me the endurance to finish the race.

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