Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cooking the Book

I heard a rumor that a local businessman was “cooking the books”. Turns out it was someone I knew, a friend and customer of mine.   I was shocked, amazed and couldn’t believe my ears.  It seemed so out of character for him…not at all the person I was acquainted with.  
This is how ugly rumors get started.  Fortunately, I was there the day he “cooked the book”…so I am able to set the record straight.
Here’s what actually happened.  In the process of trouble shooting a defective piece of equipment (a steam press) the trouble-shooting guide/repair manual was inadvertently caught in between the two boiling hot parts of the press.  By the time it was released the poor repair manual looked like a grilled cheese sandwich.  End of story…
…well…except for the ensuing laughter from everyone who witnessed the rookie mistake of leaving the book on the press while testing it. 
I felt bad about laughing and finding amusement at someone else’s expense…but it was funny.  Besides…I recall the countless times I’ve done dumb stuff that rivaled this.    

Please, Lord Jesus, give us the humility and grace to laugh at our mistakes and not take ourselves too seriously.

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