Thursday 10/24/13
In the first reading today (Rom 6:19-13) St
Paul spoke about being a slave of God. Being a slave? Initially, I’m thinking…not a very
appealing thought…but the fact is I am a slave.
As Paul says we are either slaves of sin or
slaves of righteousness. Therefore, I am a slave like it or not.
So…Maybe being a slave is not so bad. Besides, I've come to the conclusion
that I don't want to be a master’s too hard, too difficult. I don’t
like supervising people. I don't
want to be “in charge”. It's too difficult dealing with all those slaves. Being a slave is much easier. All you
have to do is your own little job. But I want to be a slave for a good
master, not a bad master that beats me. Not a master that mistreats me.
So I want to be a slave of God. Not a slave to
lawlessness. Not a slave to sin. I've already tried that and I don’t like that ugly
I'm sick and tired of the awful fight.
For a slave to sin is a terrible plight,
a dreadful place, a deep dark hole.
It chafes; it burns and scars my soul.
I've smelt smoke and seen the flame.
And for my plight there’s me to blame.
I’ve changed my mind about my master.
Why did I not come to this much faster?
I chose a master who is just and fair.
I chose the master who does not error.
I chose the master of endless mercy.
This is the master perfect for me.
I chose the one who gave his life.
I chose the one who saves me strife.
A slave to God is what I want to be.
For this I pray, for this is my plea.