Sunday, October 27, 2013

Slave of God

Thursday 10/24/13

In the first reading today (Rom 6:19-13) St Paul spoke about being a slave of God.   Being a slave?  Initially, I’m thinking…not a very appealing thought…but the fact is I am a slave.  

As Paul says we are either slaves of sin or slaves of righteousness.  Therefore, I am a slave like it or not.  

So…Maybe being a slave is not so bad.  Besides, I've come to the conclusion that I don't want to be a master’s too hard, too difficult. I don’t like supervising people.  I don't want to be “in charge”. It's too difficult dealing with all those slaves.  Being a slave is much easier. All you have to do is your own little job.  But I want to be a slave for a good master, not a bad master that beats me. Not a master that mistreats me.

So I want to be a slave of God. Not a slave to lawlessness. Not a slave to sin. I've already tried that and I don’t like that ugly master.

I'm sick and tired of the awful fight.
For a slave to sin is a terrible plight,
a dreadful place, a deep dark hole.
It chafes; it burns and scars my soul.

I've smelt smoke and seen the flame.
And for my plight there’s me to blame.
I’ve changed my mind about my master.
Why did I not come to this much faster?

I chose a master who is just and fair.
I chose the master who does not error.
I chose the master of endless mercy.
This is the master perfect for me.

I chose the one who gave his life.
I chose the one who saves me strife.
A slave to God is what I want to be.
For this I pray, for this is my plea.


Sunday, October 6, 2013

God Still Works Miracles

Today in this modern world…in this country…where we have everything…and can do anything with our modern science and technology…it is easy to fall into a “who needs God” mentality.  After all Jesus is not walking around…in our face…working miracles.  I have to admit that I have been guilty of this type of thinking.  But, last week God showed himself to me, in a special way, that proved that there is a God and he is still working miracles. 

I agreed to work a retreat but I really did not want to.  I was extremely busy and had too much going on in my little self-centered world.  I did not think I had the time to be doing “God’s work”.  Furthermore, I was unable to go to the organizational meeting and I had received very little information from the director.  At the last minute I decided that I could not back out of a promise that I had made to “God”.  So I grabbed my toothbrush, sleeping bag and three colored shirts (not white)…jumped in the truck and drove the 150 miles to join the other 8 volunteers…only 8…and do a prison ACTS retreat.  Upon arrival it seemed like chaos and confusion and total lack of organization.  The next three days were no better as I grew more and more disappointed with every aspect of the retreat.  It was the classic blind leading the blind scenario…or so it seemed.  I had the feeling of being sent back in time to sail on the Titanic as a third class passenger.  I could see the train wreck coming.  But I had forgotten that God was in charge.  I was not in charge and apparently no one else…no one else but God. 

At the conclusion the inmate-retreatant’s smiling faces and remarks said it all.  There is a God who Love all of us and he had sent the Holy Spirit to work an unbelievable miracle.  

God chooses the inept…the unqualified the most unlikely of us to do his work.  He chooses the weak and the meek…foolish and the imperfect. He chose me.

He chooses you.

You are the miracles…God can turn sinners into saints…if you just let him. All you have to do is say “yes”…”yes, I’ll do it.”

Dear Lord Jesus
Help me live without regret.
Help me Lord not to forget.
I need not worry with my defect.
You can do what I don’t expect.
To You goes all the glory and respect.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Dear God...

Dear God,
This is just a note to say “Hi”.  I hope you are doing well.  I’m sorry that I have not spent much time with you lately. Even at daily Mass I spend my time thinking about my challenges and my problems…not about you.  I seem to waste a lot of energy worrying about the future or fretting about the past.  Please accept my apologies for ignoring you, as it was unintentional.   I do want to thank you for all you have done and all that you continue to do.  I know you are very busy but if you have the time could you please watch over my children.  My prayer is that they understand the importance of having you in their lives…because you are the source of all true happiness.  The other stuff is just a distraction.

Sincerely Yours

News of Fr. Tito From Malta

"Hi, Gene,

I wanted to let you know that I found Fr. Tito, Jim & I were able to visit with him when our ship docked in Malta on Sept. 5. 

He is living in his childhood home with 3 of his sisters who never married. He has been back in Malta for 10 years but is still not very happy being there. He wishes he was back in the States. He said he misses it very much. 

He is 85 and still pretty healthy but his mind is starting to slip. He remembered me & Jim and said he remembered all our Pribyla family. But he did have several memory lapses during the course of our visit. He still has his sense of humor and sarcasm - which was so great to see and hear!

He still says daily Mass at the church a few blocks from his home and helps out there as needed. 

And he is still smoking - much to his sisters' dismay!! But that part really tickles him, as he doesn't like their doting over him. 

It was a very emotional day for the 3 of us. We were all teary eyed several times during our visit. Fr. Tito was thrilled to see us, and we loved seeing him. It seemed surreal to be seeing him in Malta almost 40 years to the day from when he married Jim and I in little Stanton, Texas!

Hope this finds you well and happy!

Take care, Carol Newman"

Thank you Carol and Jim for your heart warming report.