I wanted to let you know that I found Fr. Tito, Jim & I were able to visit with him when our ship docked in Malta on Sept. 5.
He is living in his childhood home with 3 of his sisters who never married. He has been back in Malta for 10 years but is still not very happy being there. He wishes he was back in the States. He said he misses it very much.
He is 85 and still pretty healthy but his mind is starting to slip. He remembered me & Jim and said he remembered all our Pribyla family. But he did have several memory lapses during the course of our visit. He still has his sense of humor and sarcasm - which was so great to see and hear!
He still says daily Mass at the church a few blocks from his home and helps out there as needed.
And he is still smoking - much to his sisters' dismay!! But that part really tickles him, as he doesn't like their doting over him.
It was a very emotional day for the 3 of us. We were all teary eyed several times during our visit. Fr. Tito was thrilled to see us, and we loved seeing him. It seemed surreal to be seeing him in Malta almost 40 years to the day from when he married Jim and I in little Stanton, Texas!
Hope this finds you well and happy!
Take care, Carol Newman"
Thank you Carol and Jim for your heart warming report.
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