Monday, May 18, 2015

A Letter To Cameron, My Child’s Child

Dear Cameron; 
I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know how proud I am of you.  Your latest achievement is just one more reason why you continue to amaze me. 
Without being prompted, cajoled or intimidated you decided to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Totally on your own you signed up for the classes and jumped through all the required hoops.
Thank you for affording me the opportunity to be your sponsor.

As I sat in the pew next to you I couldn’t help but think back…nearly 60 years ago…when I was confirmed.
My parents had placed all my siblings and myself in a Catholic school.  Where as a matter of course all sixth graders were just lined up and were ran through the process.  We were put through the procedure without having to volunteer or make any conscious decision like accepting Christ into our childish self-centered lives.  At lest that’s the way I recall it. 
When you are baptized you become an adopted child of God without have to do much (Thanks Mom and Dad).  My Confirmation was kinda like that also…I didn’t really get it…I was almost as unconscious as the day I was baptized.  Confirmation is supposed to be when you step up to the plate and take charge…take charge of the promises made to God by the parents in baptism. 
But, after 40 years of taking care of business my way…I finally figured out God’s business was taking care of me and He wanted nothing more that for me to be happy…happy now and happy for all eternity. 
Thankfully, I received God’s grace that day…even though I let it lay dormant for all those years. 
I am confident that you will make much better use of that grace than I did.

I love you,


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