Tuesday, February 26, 2019


As I kneeled in my unbelief while the priest raised the bread and the wine and declared “The Body and Blood of Christ”…I thought how could this be…this is unbelievable. My mind wanders and wondered about all the other unbelievable mysteries, the Virgin birth, three persons in one God, the seven Sacraments, walking on water, water into wine and on and on. 
 Then I thought.  How can it be that so many times I have experienced unbelievable situations, bad situations that I was powerless to execrate myself from but some how they were resolved?  “Dumb Luck” can only go so far.  There has been too many times that some power…some God…some unbelievable God was watching over and taking care of me. 
And what about all the good stuff, all the blessings: the roof over my head, my warm bed, a good life and a wonderful wife…it is all unbelievable.   
 And why is it that nothing gives me the calm and peace that I find in knowing that God is in charge and everything will be OK?  That is unbelievable.  
So if God is God he can do whatever unbelievable stuff he wants.   
 I’m going to take him at his “Word” and believe the unbelievable stuff.
Consequently, I’m in…hook line and sinker…I choose to believe even if my tiny brain can’t figure it out.


Mark 9, 23-24
 “If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for one who believes.
 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

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