As I drove and daydreamed my way down the central Texas highway...abutted on both sides by the bristling brown brush and dry winter grass...I observed most exquisite pale blue sky, highlighted by a wispy white smearing of high cirrus clouds. It was a display of the most awesome painting that touched the distant horizons in every direction.
Atop the high plains...mile after endless mile of dry furrowed fields lie in wait for their blessing of rain.
I drove on...through the West Texas wind farms...with their tall proud sentinel like fans standing at attention, perfectly still in the midday calm. Their majestic long blades held high as if to salute the maker of this most beautiful day.
Thank you Lord for skies of blue.
Thank you for this day too.
Thank you for Your word so true.
For all of this because of You.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
I think my journaling is like medicine…for me it’s therapeutic. Some days I question what I’m doing…I
find myself going in circles...chasing my metaphorical tail…deluged in doubt. As I meander through the dark forest of
uncertainty and turmoil…the writing is as if I am leaving a breadcrumb trail. Somehow,
desperately hoping I can find my way back to sanity.
Amongst all the chaos and confusion
I have come to one conclusion
This I know without delusion
Jesus Christ is no illusion
Friday, December 23, 2011
Hats Off To The Hat Lady
Today marks the end of 44 years of training. Tomorrow I will start the first day of
the 45th year of my training.
Maybe this year she can teach me to put my dirty clothes in the dirty
clothes hamper. Happy
Anniversary! Thank you, Mary, for
not giving up on me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the one who continues to point me
in your direction.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
An Ephah Of Flour
My attention deficit mind was immediately distracted from
the first reading when I heard that Hannah brought Samuel, along with a bull,
an ephah of flour and a skin of wine to the temple. How much is an ephah?
The thought took me back to sixth grade math class with all the
unsolvable math problems. If train
A left the station one hour before train B and train B was traveling at fifty
five miles per hour how long would it take you to get to Chicago? Would you be
late for work? How late would you
be? Or if Johnny had one ephah of
flour and shared it equally with his two and one-half friends how many cupcakes
could each of them make? How many
bushels are in an ephah? Oh! Now I
remember…one ephah equals one tenth of a homer. I’ll make a mental note…should I file it under E for ephah
or H for homer? No, no…B for
As I heard the words “go in peace to love and serve the
Lord” I returned to the reality of where I was and what I was supposed to be
doing. I consoled myself with the
knowledge that God loves me…even with my Attention Deficit Disorder.
Thank you, Lord Jesus.
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Cooking the Book
I heard a rumor that a local businessman was “cooking the
books”. Turns out it was someone I knew, a friend and customer of mine. I was shocked, amazed and
couldn’t believe my ears. It
seemed so out of character for him…not at all the person I was acquainted with.
This is how ugly rumors get started. Fortunately, I was there the day he
“cooked the book”…so I am able to set the record straight.
Here’s what actually happened. In the process of trouble shooting a defective piece of
equipment (a steam press) the trouble-shooting guide/repair manual was
inadvertently caught in between the two boiling hot parts of the press. By the time it was released the poor
repair manual looked like a grilled cheese sandwich. End of story…
…well…except for the ensuing laughter from everyone who
witnessed the rookie mistake of leaving the book on the press while testing
I felt bad about laughing and finding amusement at someone
else’s expense…but it was funny. Besides…I recall the countless times I’ve done dumb stuff that
rivaled this.
Please, Lord Jesus, give us the humility and grace to laugh
at our mistakes and not take ourselves too seriously.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
This is always a difficult time. The Mr. Scrooge part of me seems to
hold back the crippled Tiny Tim part until it's too late. Christmas Eve arrives
and I am unprepared. My
procrastination is red with embarrassment as all the gifts are unwrapped and
all the thoughtful tokens remind me of how thoughtless I am. At that time I finally get in the
Christmas spirit…the giving mood. I console myself with the fact that the Twelve Days of Christmas are the festive days beginning Christmas
day. The Feast of the Epiphany follows the Twelfth Night, on 6 January. During that time the stores are not so
crowded and the post-Christmas sales even excite the Scrooge in me.
Dear Lord Jesus, help me to remember whose birthday I am
celebrating and keep me mindful of the fact that there is a little bit of You in each of us.
AmenWednesday, December 7, 2011
A Prisoner No More
I once was a prisoner in a jail without bars
My soul was marked with tattoos and scars.
I listened to a world with its cynical view
Truth was a mystery because I had not a clue.
I was one of the devil’s countless recruits
I had many idols and foolish pursuits.
It didn’t seem funny…my god was my money
Greenbacks and gold could purchase much honey.
Even my wife that I promised for life
Got nothing but grief and plenty of strife.
But the day did come when I ran out of rope
In my darkest despair there was no hope.
I had no idea…it was me to blame
I longed for a solution to end all my pain.
I moaned and I groaned, I just wanted to die
When a voice suggested, give Jesus a try.
I thought and I pondered this idea so novel
But not until now, was I ready to grovel.
I swallowed hard and gave up my pride
Realizing for me, Lord Jesus, you died.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Latin Is Greek To Me
The thermometer said 39 degrees but it was one of those
mornings that felt like minus zero.
I couldn’t put on enough clothes to warm up and opted to smell the
diesel fumes and listen to the clatter of my old truck instead of enjoying a
stimulating bicycle ride. I spent the
next half hour flipping back and forth through the new missalette trying to
follow the new Mass responses.
Maybe they should have just gone back to the Latin; “et cum spiritu tuo”.
I can still recall those retorts from the time I was unwillingly pressed
into the altar-boy service. I had to memorize them but had no clue about their
meaning. I’m glad I got past those
years of being young and stupid.
Well at least I’m done with the young part. Sorry, Lord, I’m not complaining…it’s just that I feel
like an idiot…but, then again you already know I am one. It’s just hard to bend this stiff neck
of mine. So thanks for giving us
Pope Benedict to help keep us on the straight and narrow.
Thanks Again
Friday, December 2, 2011
This Too Shall Pass
Over the past week I’ve been ruminating over the pumpkin
pie, the turkey and the dressing while trying to gain some prospective about the
house full of children, grandchildren and general commotion. It was wonderful to see the out-a-towners
but I had forgotten how explosive and volatile the situation could get when the
number children reaches its critical mass. I cannot get the picture of my son (father of three) out of
my head…that picture of him with that shell-shocked look and the “will this
ever end” expression on his face.
A week later, now that the quiet and calm has returned I can
answer his question. The answer is
“Yes”. Yes, all children
grow up. Yes, all of that energy
and drama is redirected. And
yes, I know this for a fact because you are the proof.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For all my wonderfully bright, gifted and talented
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For all of their
wonderfully bright, gifted and talented children.
For all of whom I have much affection.
Please keep them pointed in Your direction.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Vespa? Vespers?
My wife dragged me to Vespers at the Incarnate Word Convent Chapel. Now I’m thinking…Vespers…? What’s vespers?
In my mind I’m thinking--
Vespers: 1) the plural form of the word Vespa. An Italian motor scooter, which
gained popularity in the 50’s and 60’s.
Or 2) the term used referring to those enthusiasts who collect Vespa
So, I go…I go to a chapel that was apparently built for
little old nuns…because the seats were short, the kneelers were awkward and the
pews were uncomfortable…obviously the designer didn’t have the comfort of fat
sinners in mind.
But, I enjoyed just sitting there; I enjoyed just being
there…not worrying about all the millions of other thing I usually consider
important and the projects I feel like I need to complete. I soaked in the moment.
The chanting, the incense and the whole atmosphere of peace,
calm and reverence gave me a strange feeling like goose bumps on my soul.
So…my definition…wrong again. Actually…Vespers or evening prayer is an ancient prayer form
that predates the church. It is a
gift from our Jewish brothers and sisters. It finds its base in the prayers of the Psalms. This prayer calls us to give praise and
thanksgiving to our loving God.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For a needed lesson again
And as always for being a friend
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I spent a restful weekend with someone who loves me. It was a silent retreat with God...and eleven other guys. I enjoy the fits me and my introverted nature...the silence helps cover over my lack of social skills.
I don't know why God loves me but I know He does. He has proven it so many times, in so many ways...not even to mention the "the big one". So I'm glad to spend this time with him away from the rest of the busy world, the TV and all the other people that intimidate me with their worldly high expectations.God is petty cool...he doesn't expect much...just love him above all and love my neighbor as myself. Two Simple rules for a too simple me.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this timeFor this time that is so sublimeGive me the courage to be the lightGive me the strength to win the fightAmen
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Stick To Your Guns
While I’m uncomfortable in groups
of more than one, I forced myself to attend the EWMBC (early Wednesday morning breakfast club) where the topic of discussion was “paying the price”. Sticking to your beliefs…even when it is not politically
correct, not in fashion and not in step with the rest of the world. It made me think of yesterday’s
readings (2 Maccabees 6:18-31) when
Eleazar would not eat the pork…or even pretend to eat it…in order to save his
neck. “…Eleazar made up his mind in a noble manner, worthy of his years, the dignity of his advanced age, the merited distinction of his gray hair, and of the admirable life he had lived…” He
paid the price…he stuck to his guns.
I would like to think I am a person
of integrity and would stick to my gun like Eleazar. But…I know I have
a predilection for bacon and a tendency to reach for my Visa card when it comes
to paying the price.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For putting the bacon back on the
For I am weak but You are able.
This is a fact, not a fable.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For Your patience with a stubborn
For the New Covenant to simplify
the rule.
For Your cross that saved this fool.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Tin Box
I arose early and tiptoed into the kitchen to grab a bite
before starting my Saturday project.
As I smeared some peanut butter on a slice of bread I noticed the tin
matchbox holder next to the stove.
Old and aged, I recognized it as the one that had always hung next to my
mother in law’s stove. As all the memories rushed back, I had to bite my tongue
and hold my breath to keep the tears in check. I began to understand why my dear wife was having such a
hard time dealing with the disposal of her mother’s belongings and closing up
the house in which she had been raised.
Yesterday, while listening to her tell of saying good-bye to
her mother’s house and the Church her grand parents built…the one her mother
attending for so many years…I helped unpack her car and carried in the tattered books, the tiny bells and the homemade pottery…her mother’s stuff.
Lubbock, TX will not be the same. The passing of…to some…just
a second grade school teacher but…to most…she was so much more. I have no words
that express my feelings for the loss of this good and faithful servant. I can only console myself with the
knowledge that she will be rewarded for her 104 years of good and faithful
My wife is a strong woman, just like her mother, not given
to emotional outbursts of crying or crazy mood swings but strong in her
convictions and beliefs. I know
she will be just fine.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for these little reminders of someone
who was a clear reflection of You.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Word Of The Day
Spell: Concupiscence
Definition: Con-cu-pis-cence (noun) Lust or strong
Use it in a sentence: I am hell-bent to keep my
concupiscence from sucking me down the toilet of life.
This word came up at our early Wednesday morning breakfast
club and it became abundantly clear to me that I am not and never will be in
the world of academia. While I
love big words…my talent seems to be in the area of misusing them. Reading has always been a
challenge for me. With my dyslexia...reading is like a word jumble or crossword puzzle. It’s like trying to decode “eat more Malto-meal” without a
little orphan Annie decoder pen or “sind die Bismark” without the Enigma
machine. But I count it a
blessing…not being able to read well…that way I don’t waste a lot of time
reading a lot of useless information and can allocate more time to important
stuff like…day dreaming, talking to myself or talking to God.
Dear Lord Jesus,
I’m thanking You for someone to talk to.
It’s not so rough, to talk important stuff,
For You understand the entire plan.
I am good to go, I don’t need to know
I trust in you, it will come true.
Your awesome plan that is so grand.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
My Neighbors Ox
I pulled my neighbors ox out of a ditch this morning. Actually it was a Ram 2500 and it wasn't the Sabbath but it was a Holy Day. Nevertheless, it was a good feeling to put my agenda on hold and help someone else. Too many times I overlook these opportunities due to my tunnel vision self-interest.
Dear Lord Jesus, help keep me focused on what is important to you not me.
Dear Lord Jesus, help keep me focused on what is important to you not me.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Locked Up
I was locked up for four days
where I met some new friends. We spent
a long weekend laughing, crying and enjoying music. It wasn’t the normal crowd I hang with, but I had a great
time…partying, eating and getting high. It was incredible…our drug of choice was
Jesus Christ. Yes! Getting high on
The prison ACTS team has been
at it again...doing what Farther David described best with the quote “I am nobody…trying
to tell anybody…about somebody…that wants to save everybody.”
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for
giving me the courage to speak for you.
Now sixty-seven more souls can’t plead ignorance for they have been told and through their repentant tears
have acknowledged they understand the plan.
Please Lord, grant them the
strength to carry through with their promise.
Please Lord, protect them and
keep them close to your heart.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Pancakes and Sausage
early Wednesday morning breakfast group sat around the table munching on
pancakes and sausage as we discussed the subject of the day…Clarity of thought.
had little to offer, as I cannot ever remember having a completely clear thought
in my entire life. As usual…the
discussion seemed to get off onto a tangent of the world’s problems and its
moral decay. Again I had little to
offer in the way solving the world’s problems as I spent much of my time over
the last two decades just trying to reverse my own moral decay.
conclusion was that life is a test and a learning experience. It seems like I have spent a lifetime gaining
the necessary experience…the necessary wisdom to pass the test.
finally figured out that I can’t pass my wisdom on to the next generation. And my parents were unable to pass it
on to me…as I was far too smart at the time. This all adds validity to the
axiom: “Good judgment is gained through experience and most experience is gained
through bad judgment.”
is a shame that all the wisdom goes to waste and the next generation has to
make its own mistakes.
Lord Jesus,
me for being so “smart” at a young age.
you, for wonderful parents who tried their best to smarten me up.
you, for being so patience with all my bad judgment.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
The Frame Carpenter
Finally the guy framing my wife new bathroom got started
today. He spent half the day going
back and forth to the lumberyard exchanging the 8 ft 2x4’s for the correct
precut studs. His excuse was that
they sent the wrong stuff. Then
all I could hear the rest of the afternoon was huffing and puffing, mumbling
and groaning and some remark about “if I could lose 40 pounds and 40 years this
job would be a lot easier.” Then
he quit early with some lame-o excuse about wanting to go to church on Saturday
So I put away my nail gun and all my other tools, extensions
cords and air hoses. Tomorrow I’ll
try not to huff and puff so much...maybe even start on that diet. After all, Rome wasn’t
built in a day.
Thank you, Lord Jesus for all you have bless me
with. Even my marginal carpenter
Pearly Gates
As of late I have spend a lot of time wondering about what it’s
going to be like when I get to the “pearly gates”. I am confident my name was written in the “book of life” but
what if it is misspelled. It also
concerns me as to how many black marks are beside my name or possibly the name scratched
out. Will there be a
password? What questions will I be
asked? Will it be a multiple
choice or essay test? Will I have
the right answer?
I’ve given some thought to the question: What did you do to deserve
to get in? My answer would have to
be “Nothing, absolutely nothing.” Jesus, you did I all.
You gave it your all, you made me, you saved me, and you blessed
me. Looking back I can see that
you were always there, taking care of me even when I ignored you and your
guidelines. So I just wanted you
to know I accept your gift…indeed an undeserved gift…but I still accept.
Thank You, Lord Jesus.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Too Late?
We all sat
around the table discussing the fact that the world has changed. It’s not
the same world we knew as kids. The one telephone that hung on the kitchen wall
was used for emergencies only, not for visiting. Today, children are born
with cell phones attached to their ears. We no longer eat family meals
together or pray the family rosary. Our “one nation under God” has put
God out to pasture. With my 20/20 hindsight it all becomes very clear…the
mistakes I’ve made…are made. The bell has been rung and can’t be un-rung.
It’s too late to close the barn door once the horse is out.
It is
abundantly clear that the world has change and it all happened on my watch.
But I must
believe that there is hope for the future. I must believe that it is not too
late. Look at the people of Nineveh…they changed.
I can no
longer be just an observer.
What is it
going to take for me to take action?
Will I have
to be thrown overboard?
Will I have
to be swallowed by a fish?
Dear Lord
Jesus, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things I can and enough wisdom to know the difference.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Dear Diary
In the early morning dark, illuminated by a pale white full moon, I pedaled toward the church and listened to the bells telling me
five minutes remained before Mass began.
It was a great sensation because today was the first day in the last
month I felt like I was NOT hung over. It had been a tuff few weeks with all the
surgeries. Two days of each week I spent with an ice pack on my head bemoaning
the fact that I had stuff to do but didn’t feel like doing it. Each week I would peel back the bandage
and reveal a new miniature railroad like track of stitches across the landscape
of my face. It gave me time to
think of those people who are really sick, bed ridden or worse…those who will
never get better. So…thank you,
Lord Jesus… for this little reminder of what it is to not feel so good. And thank you for my abundant good health. Amen.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Mountain High
I spent an interesting few days riding New Mexico’s Sacramento
Mountains on my new, thirty-two year old, BMW R100RT. We twisted and turned up and down the narrow highways and
roads into the most remote and beautiful areas. The off-season ski resort offered an abandoned road with
switchbacks and awesome vistas perfect for the two-wheel enthusiast's riding
pleasure. Gazing down at the clouds shrouding white sands of the valley floor
we breathed in the clean clear mountain air and lamented the fact that we lived
in a far less picturesque environment.
We did our best to outrun the afternoon thunderstorms and
chase the dream of adventure that lay around each curve and over each
Perhaps the most interesting sights were the motorcycles and
the riders that attended the Golden Aspen rally. All manner of two and three wheel motorization were in
attendance. I felt a bit overdressed, as my tee shirt had sleeves…but then again…I didn’t have even one
tattoo to show off, so I supposed it all equaled out.
Behind all the strange leatherwear, tattoos and hair...they
were genuine friendly people who had a common interest and were more than
willing to talk about their “ride.”
Returning home we stopped for fuel where I observed several riders on their trusty machines and I made the remark "look at that old man, he must be seventy". My riding buddy...after recovering from a violent bout of laughter asked, "How old do you think we are?" OK! OK!...I'm living a dream with all the other old men on motorcycles.
Returning home we stopped for fuel where I observed several riders on their trusty machines and I made the remark "look at that old man, he must be seventy". My riding buddy...after recovering from a violent bout of laughter asked, "How old do you think we are?" OK! OK!...I'm living a dream with all the other old men on motorcycles.
How blessed I am to be living in such a country and enjoying
all of this. It really gives
meaning to the words…”America, The Beautiful.”
O beautiful for
spacious skies,
For amber waves
of grain,
For purple
mountain majesties
Above the fruited
God shed his grace
on thee
And crown thy good
with brotherhood
From sea to
shining sea!
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For all the grace You send my way
Thursday, September 22, 2011
As I lie in the dark, supine on my bed, a flickering firefly of a
thought escapes the grasp of my logic. It makes no sense that God would love
me, yet…there is a yearning in my heart that tells me this is true. As if picking at a sore…I keep
revisiting the thought, straining my tinny brain and trying to make some meaning of it all...even though it is a mathematical impossibility
that does not add up and an illogical truth that I cannot figure out.
There is something in my bones, something in my being
that draws me to Him. I have to
stop trying to use my logic and just go with it…after all…He is God…and God
can do whatever he wants. It does
not have to be logical to me. Like
an inheritance…I’ve done nothing to deserve it, nothing to earn it and could
never repay it. I was just born into
it, born into the house of David, born a child of God. So
for me this is nothing but an upside…why do I even question it?
Thank you Lord Jesus for your blessings.
Please forgive all my questionings.
Strengthen my faith so I may see Your face.
Give me the endurance to finish the race.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
GrandMother's T-Bird
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a wonderful reminder of a wonderful lady.
She blessed me with so many wonderful memories and her wonderful daughter.
She was a "keeper" more ways than one...and so is her car.
To find would have to go far.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Summer Is Hell
It was long overdue but the north wind blew and the
temperature dropped to a hundred and two.
With a robust gust and clouds of dust, the sky turned to a
reddish brown rust.
It’s the time of year that winter is near, and in South Texas
I give out a cheer.
Thank you Lord Jesus, you do like to please us, for in this
place you give us a taste of what it is like when we make haste.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Gone Are The Days
Yes, gone are the days when clothing labels were sewn on the inside of the garment, Oreo cookies came in only one flavor, and TV was closer to reality than “Reality TV”.
As a child I remember how simple life was…I was smarter then. As a teenager I knew everything about everything. Over the years as I grew older, I learned less and less about more and more…until now, I know absolutely nothing about anything.
It’s a sad day when a total stranger tells you that you’re wearing your clothes inside out.
Dear Lord Jesus
I know You did the “Big Forgive”
So in the past I cannot live
Help me make it thru the day
You’re the one who earned the pay
You’re the one who is beguiled
Not reviled by the heart of a child
Upon my face you’ve put a smile
And with your grace an extra mile
As a child I remember how simple life was…I was smarter then. As a teenager I knew everything about everything. Over the years as I grew older, I learned less and less about more and more…until now, I know absolutely nothing about anything.
It’s a sad day when a total stranger tells you that you’re wearing your clothes inside out.
Dear Lord Jesus
I know You did the “Big Forgive”
So in the past I cannot live
Help me make it thru the day
You’re the one who earned the pay
You’re the one who is beguiled
Not reviled by the heart of a child
Upon my face you’ve put a smile
And with your grace an extra mile
Sunday, August 28, 2011
I've Been Duped
"You duped me, O LORD, and I let myself be duped;
you were too strong for me, and you triumphed.
All the day I am an object of laughter;
everyone mocks me.
Whenever I speak, I must cry out,
violence and outrage is my message;
the word of the LORD has brought me
derision and reproach all the day.
I say to myself, I will not mention him,
I will speak in his name no more.
But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart,
imprisoned in my bones;
I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it."
Jeremiah 20:7-9
you were too strong for me, and you triumphed.
All the day I am an object of laughter;
everyone mocks me.
Whenever I speak, I must cry out,
violence and outrage is my message;
the word of the LORD has brought me
derision and reproach all the day.
I say to myself, I will not mention him,
I will speak in his name no more.
But then it becomes like fire burning in my heart,
imprisoned in my bones;
I grow weary holding it in, I cannot endure it."
Jeremiah 20:7-9
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Today’s job was out of town so I drove the fifty miles as the compass wavered about the “NE”. The powder blue summer sky didn’t have the normal puffy white clouds but presented smooth lenticular ones with shotgun gray underbellies and a hazy darkness that loomed on the horizon. This was the eighth month of the year and there had been no rain in as many months.
The summer heat had parched my spirit and fried my brain leaving me felling like a lifeless heap of jerky. I was expecting another hot, dry, and physically challenging day. But without warning the atmosphere darkened, the temperature dropped and a torrent of rain fell to the dusty earth. It was the long over due drink for which I had waited.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For Your blessings out of the sky
Now, it has made my spirits fly.
It’s time to be bold and not be shy
Its time to sing Your praises on high.
The summer heat had parched my spirit and fried my brain leaving me felling like a lifeless heap of jerky. I was expecting another hot, dry, and physically challenging day. But without warning the atmosphere darkened, the temperature dropped and a torrent of rain fell to the dusty earth. It was the long over due drink for which I had waited.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For Your blessings out of the sky
Now, it has made my spirits fly.
It’s time to be bold and not be shy
Its time to sing Your praises on high.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Chill'n Out

I twisted on the last wire nut and flipped the breaker. The five-ton package unit immediately dropped the temperature of my man-cave/garage from 107 to 79 degrees. The commercial size blower expelled a torrent of wind that pushed what little hair I had straight back and pulled at my cheeks as if I were in a skydiving free fall. There’ll be no more hot, sweaty, weekend projects at my house...because, now...I can do all those little jobs in my man cave/wind tunnel. In South Texas there is no such thing as too big when it comes to air conditioners.
Eat your heart out Tim “the tool man” Taylor.
Dear Lord,
Forgive my complaining about the summer heat.
I'm certain you will hear less of that complaint now.
I must remember not to complain about the electric bill.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all my many blessings.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thursday Morning
I stumbled out of bed and made my way to church. It was the same ole routine…just like every day…until we got to the first reading. It was from the book of Judges 11:29-39. I don’t recall ever hearing the story of Jephthah and his vow to the Lord.
"If you deliver the Ammonites into my power," he said,
"whoever comes out of the doors of my house
to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites
shall belong to the LORD.
I shall offer him up as a burnt offering."
Now, I’m thinking, surely he didn’t think that one through. Who did he believe he would meet when he returned home? Maybe, his wife? His child? Some pizza delivery guy? Come on. I can see the writing on the wall, I know where this story is going.
Admittedly there have been times in my marriage when I’ve thought the wife would make a good “burnt offering”. But really, this is all too hard to believe. And, don’t you know it, it’s his daughter that comes out of the house dancing and playing the tambourine, his only daughter, his only child. It’s just too bazaar, how could he have done that?
But then I think how God sacrificed his only Son on the cross. Maybe, I’ve just heard that story so many times that it doesn’t carry the shock value. Besides, that “salvation thing” works for me. I can’t imagine what God and his Son must have gone through, but I am sooooo…. thankful that God loves me that much. It’s mind-boggling, it’s hard to believe but I am going with it. All other options just don’t get the job done.
Thank you, Father God
Thank you, Jesus Christ, Son of God
Thank you Holy Spirit…for the wisdom to not “over-think” this unbelievable awesome salvation truth.
"If you deliver the Ammonites into my power," he said,
"whoever comes out of the doors of my house
to meet me when I return in triumph from the Ammonites
shall belong to the LORD.
I shall offer him up as a burnt offering."
Now, I’m thinking, surely he didn’t think that one through. Who did he believe he would meet when he returned home? Maybe, his wife? His child? Some pizza delivery guy? Come on. I can see the writing on the wall, I know where this story is going.
Admittedly there have been times in my marriage when I’ve thought the wife would make a good “burnt offering”. But really, this is all too hard to believe. And, don’t you know it, it’s his daughter that comes out of the house dancing and playing the tambourine, his only daughter, his only child. It’s just too bazaar, how could he have done that?
But then I think how God sacrificed his only Son on the cross. Maybe, I’ve just heard that story so many times that it doesn’t carry the shock value. Besides, that “salvation thing” works for me. I can’t imagine what God and his Son must have gone through, but I am sooooo…. thankful that God loves me that much. It’s mind-boggling, it’s hard to believe but I am going with it. All other options just don’t get the job done.
Thank you, Father God
Thank you, Jesus Christ, Son of God
Thank you Holy Spirit…for the wisdom to not “over-think” this unbelievable awesome salvation truth.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
My Favorite Seventh Grader
Dear Grandson Cameron,
School starts in a few days. I just want you to know that I wish you the best at your new school. I pray your tests go well and that you are placed in a class that is interesting and challenging to you. So have fun, study hard and remember that it is easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble.
May God bless you, your efforts and endeavors. I pray that you grow into the person God wants you to be and have fun along the way. You are a bright spot in my life so be a light to your friends and fellow students. Amen
Love Dado
School starts in a few days. I just want you to know that I wish you the best at your new school. I pray your tests go well and that you are placed in a class that is interesting and challenging to you. So have fun, study hard and remember that it is easier to stay out of trouble than to get out of trouble.
May God bless you, your efforts and endeavors. I pray that you grow into the person God wants you to be and have fun along the way. You are a bright spot in my life so be a light to your friends and fellow students. Amen
Love Dado
Monday, August 8, 2011
The Big “D”…and I don’t Mean Dallas
After a seven-month separation…my wife returned home and began using the “D” word. I was taken aback…I never saw it coming. Things ran smoothly during her absence and I figured everything would be OK. I washed all the dishes by hand, never considering that thing under the cabinet. But now that she has returned, she has mentioned the “D” word several times. I think I see the writing on the wall. Tomorrow, I’m buying her that new Dishwasher. Yes, it’s long over due…all the racks are rusty and the drain backs-up leaving an odoriferous surprise for the next innocent victim who opens the door.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all the modern conveniences.
And thank you for a wonderful wife who knows how to use them.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all the modern conveniences.
And thank you for a wonderful wife who knows how to use them.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Gang

I started hanging out with those guys that ride motorcycles. Yesterday…the whole gang mounted up and stormed off to the next town looking for thrills and adventure. My mother warned me about these kinds of people but I went anyway. We stopped at a hangout with nothing but trouble on the menu (deep-fried everything). We used language colored with words like “please” and “thank you”. Apparently the folks who ride old “air-head” Beemers are just that way. It’s a cult bike ridden by enthusiasts who enjoy its quirky clutch, clunky transmission and cylinders on the sides. I noticed that no one had a single tattoo; there were no sleeveless shirts and “do rags” in lieu of helmets. I need to watch with whom I associate.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving me wonderful God fearing people to be around.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Mrs Elizabeth Lupton Owen, my wife's mother, went to sleep in Our Saviors Arms on Friday afternoon. I will miss her...that true and faithful servant...she was an inspiration to me and so many others. She blessed everyone with her mere presence, gentle countenance and smile for over 104 years. May Mary's mom rest in peace. I love you, Mrs. Owen.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
South Texas Heat
One hundred and three seemed warm to me,
As the sun rose high overhead.
At a hundred and four, I couldn’t ignore,
The heat that I truly dread.
The temperature climbed to a hundred and nine,
And my knees felt wobbly and weak.
I thought to myself, if I were an elf,
A colder place I’d seek.
But what worries me, is this, you see,
It’s not the South Texas heat.
It’s the eternal flame, that’s not the same,
That I do not want to meet.
It won’t hurt my pride, not to reside,
In the place that’s hotter than this.
Far be it from me, to want to be,
In some infernal hellish abyss.
Thank you Lord, you’ve played your card,
And I must make the decision.
I’ll place my bet and not regret,
Because it is You that has arisen.
As the sun rose high overhead.
At a hundred and four, I couldn’t ignore,
The heat that I truly dread.
The temperature climbed to a hundred and nine,
And my knees felt wobbly and weak.
I thought to myself, if I were an elf,
A colder place I’d seek.
But what worries me, is this, you see,
It’s not the South Texas heat.
It’s the eternal flame, that’s not the same,
That I do not want to meet.
It won’t hurt my pride, not to reside,
In the place that’s hotter than this.
Far be it from me, to want to be,
In some infernal hellish abyss.
Thank you Lord, you’ve played your card,
And I must make the decision.
I’ll place my bet and not regret,
Because it is You that has arisen.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Road Trip

Three days and twelve pounds later I return home weary from all the hospitality that was heaped upon me. It was a great but exhausting trip…they (my aunt, my cousins) nearly killed me with kindness. All that being waited on…hand and foot…attending to my every wish. It was unusual to be given that much attention, not something I am accustomed to at home. My #2 son and #1 grandson accompanied me on the drive to the old ancestral homeland with its bayous and moss filled trees…the land of my birth…the land that my parents grew up in.
This trip was different from the trips that I remembered as a child. Back then, on the family pilgrimages to see the grandparents, the entertainment was counting the number of cars of a particular make or color, reading the Burma-Shave signs and fighting with siblings over who got the window seat. The window seat was the best seat because the windows were always down, a summer-time necessity, as they were the only air-conditioning. You could stick your head out like a dog and let the wind pull at your face or move your hand like a bird’s wing changing the angle of attack to feel the invisible forces push and pull at your extremity.
There were no seat belts to cramp your style…standing up on the seat was no problem. After all these years many things have changed. The only rule, which has never changed, is the rule about asking; “Are we there yet?” This question is still not allowed to be asked every five minutes.
On this trip the entertainment was I-Phones and Blackberrys…texting and “checking in” on Facebook. Searching the “Gas Buddy” app for the cheapest fuel prices, Googling the nearest restaurants and bookstores. Consulting Google for our current position and any other superfluous question that arose. I felt like we must have stopped at ever Burger King and Dairy Queen for a royal flush. Now, Buc-ees is the new standard when it comes to world-class restrooms. No road trip should be without a stop at the place under the beaver sign. I love their bill-board which reads “ 2 good reasons to stop at Buc-ee’s … #1 and #2.” Their Beaver Nuggets????...I am working up the courage to try them. The name “Beaver Nuggets” congers up the image of beaver pellets. Well, maybe on the next road trip.
Thank you, Aunt Vivian, sister Diane and countless cousins, for the hospitality.
Thank you, daughter Jamie, for letting us borrow your air-conditioned car.
Thank you, son Jason and grandson Cameron, for being great traveling buddies.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a safe and fun trip.
Escape To Zoar
As I listened to the reading for the day it struck me that I need an escape route. Lot got out of town just in time and I need to be planning my get away too, before the Lord rains down sulphurous fire on this place. Yep! That’s the ticket…go to Zoar and don’t look back.
As I sail through life…whether it be a violent storm or a light chop…it is comforting to know who is napping in the back of my boat.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Of this I readily must concede.
While tiny as a mustard seed.
It’s my faith, that is my creed.
Without that I would be a weed.
It is Your word, that I must heed.
It is Your will, that must supersede.
It is on Your word, that I must feed.
If I am to get, up to speed.
Today’s readings
Genesis 19:15-29
Psalms 26:2-3,9-12
Mathew 8:23-27
As I sail through life…whether it be a violent storm or a light chop…it is comforting to know who is napping in the back of my boat.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Of this I readily must concede.
While tiny as a mustard seed.
It’s my faith, that is my creed.
Without that I would be a weed.
It is Your word, that I must heed.
It is Your will, that must supersede.
It is on Your word, that I must feed.
If I am to get, up to speed.
Today’s readings
Genesis 19:15-29
Psalms 26:2-3,9-12
Mathew 8:23-27
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Algebra And The Thermos Bottle
"We gather together to celebrate the mystery of God’s love for us.” How many times have I gone to Mass and never really heard that opening line? This morning it struck me…the conundrum of conundrums. The mystery of God’s love for us…us, a sorry pack of sinners. Why would He do that? And…most of all…why me? Some part of me…I’m not sure which; the atheistic, the agnostic or the autistic part…has a hard time believing that. Or, maybe, I just have a hard time understanding it. There are so many things I don’t understand but believe they work…like algebra or the thermos bottle. How does it know to keep cold things cold and hot things hot?
Understanding something is not the proof of its truth.
There is somebody out there taking care of me.
I have proven to myself…that…I can’t do it on my own.
As un-understandable as it is, I like God’s program.
So, I’ll just give in and go with it.
Thank You, Lord Jesus.
Understanding something is not the proof of its truth.
There is somebody out there taking care of me.
I have proven to myself…that…I can’t do it on my own.
As un-understandable as it is, I like God’s program.
So, I’ll just give in and go with it.
Thank You, Lord Jesus.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
I Did It My Way

I enjoy taking certain liberties and pleasures when my spouse is away…such as…eating over the sink, drinking directly from the carton with the refrigerator door wide open and leaving the seat up. I love the feeling of throwing caution to the wind and doing exactly as I wish.
For these are the times that I treasure,
this is the stuff by which one can measure
the meaning of life and all its pleasure.
I had best sweep up the crumbs and wipe off the rim before she returns.
Hopefully my wife will not discover the double life that I lead.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Back Together Again

"Back Together Again" less all the fairings and bags of course. After completely disassembling the BMW into eight million pieces, servicing every moving part, changing every drop of fluid in every mechanism, disassembling the carburetors numerous times cleaning and chasing every tiny port and passageway, replacing the missing parts with official BMW parts and adjusting each part to factory torque specifications…I finally got it together for a test ride…It looks and feels like a new one. It seems like the sitting in "Uncle Tio’s" barn and the 9,000 miles he put on it over 30 years ago didn’t hurt anything.
The 31-year-old R100RT “airhead” is such a sweet ride. Now to install all the fairings and bags and dream of that road trip to the mountains…all points north and west…maybe Alaska.
Thank you, Lord Jesus,
For all the blessings you send my way,
I do realize this one is just for play,
but I have to thank You anyway,
even when carburetors made me pray.
Friday, June 17, 2011
The Summer Solstice
I plodded along struggling to make the short walk from the shop to my truck in the sweltering afternoon heat. The sun scorched the powdered dry soil and a dust devil pelted my face with grit. Breathing in the hot dry air torched my windpipe and wilted my lungs. I could feel each ray of sunshine burning me like a powerful lazer and every pour of my skin struggling to keep cool by giving up precious body moisture. I couldn’t help but think, “What am I going to do when summer arrives?”
In the Northern Hemisphere, the first day of summer…the summer solstice…begins on Jun 21, 2011 at 1:16 P.M. EDT…the longest day of the year.
Ancient pagans celebrated with bonfires. Couples would leap through the flames, believing their crops would grow as high as the couples were able to jump. That seems like a formula for disaster…today…in this heat, I can barely put one foot in front of the other.
Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me for complaining about the mud. This is just another example of not knowing what is best for me. Perhaps a little mud wouldn’t be so bad.
As I lie my girth upon my berth,
I pray for rain for all I’m worth.
Send Your showers to quench the earth,
And let the waters extinguish its thirst.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the first day of summer…the summer solstice…begins on Jun 21, 2011 at 1:16 P.M. EDT…the longest day of the year.
Ancient pagans celebrated with bonfires. Couples would leap through the flames, believing their crops would grow as high as the couples were able to jump. That seems like a formula for disaster…today…in this heat, I can barely put one foot in front of the other.
Dear Lord Jesus, forgive me for complaining about the mud. This is just another example of not knowing what is best for me. Perhaps a little mud wouldn’t be so bad.
As I lie my girth upon my berth,
I pray for rain for all I’m worth.
Send Your showers to quench the earth,
And let the waters extinguish its thirst.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Father's Day
One more year…one more Father’s Day…one more without my father. This June 11th, one week before Father’s day, is the anniversary of his death 46 years ago. It doesn’t hurt so much any more but I still miss him. All he ever asked for was "a little peace and quiet”…of which I gave him little. My dad was a stern man and could be a strict disciplinarian. Perhaps I was the reason for this. But he obviously cared…otherwise he would have allowed me to be the foolish adolescent that I really was. I have visions of him sitting on the couch in the den, reading the paper and chewing on a cigar. He never taught us kids how to fish or hunt, throw a baseball or kick a football but he did teach us the important stuff…always tell the truth, say what you mean and mean what you say, and hard work never hurt anybody.
As a father you’re not so bad.
On this day I shall not be sad.
It is for you that I am glad.
Thanks for being a super dad.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad
As a father you’re not so bad.
On this day I shall not be sad.
It is for you that I am glad.
Thanks for being a super dad.
Happy Father’s Day, Dad
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Apricot Cake
Though it was late; I took the bait.
With the cake I filled my plate,
and then I ate what was so great.
It’s just the calories that I hate.
With the cake I filled my plate,
and then I ate what was so great.
It’s just the calories that I hate.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
While placing a pound of bacon in the shopping cart next to the package of Ding-Dongs…being careful not to crush the chips…I noticed that I was the skinniest person in Wal-Mart. I couldn’t help but think…what a sad commentary for our society…that here in the land of plenty, obesity has become an epidemic.
I gave a sigh and waddled to the checkout while casting a lustful eye at a box of Milky-Ways.
Perhaps too much of a good thing is not a good thing.
I am so blessed to be where I'm at.
Please help me, Dear Lord, get rid of the fat.
The Twinkies and candies are not to blame.
It’s my will power that’s not in the game.
I gave a sigh and waddled to the checkout while casting a lustful eye at a box of Milky-Ways.
Perhaps too much of a good thing is not a good thing.
I am so blessed to be where I'm at.
Please help me, Dear Lord, get rid of the fat.
The Twinkies and candies are not to blame.
It’s my will power that’s not in the game.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
What’s For Supper?
Six or seven garden ripe tomatoes (a gift from the neighbor),
Part of a left over onion,
The last few cloves of garlic,
Some celery,
A hand full of jalapeños,
A dash Salt,
A splash of EVOO.
Process it in the food processor until it is unrecognizable.
Simmer over a low fire until the pasta is ready
Go to the freezer and retrieve whatever meat you can find, I guess chicken will work, chop in little pieces and stir-fry.
Plate and serve with your favorite Kool-aid.
OK, OK! I guess Bobby Flay will not be calling me for any “throw down”.
It may not be the traditional RAGU but it is taste good...especially when you are hungry.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the food we eat
Thank you for this special treat
Thank you, for the neighbors so kind
Please help me keep my blessing in mind.
Part of a left over onion,
The last few cloves of garlic,
Some celery,
A hand full of jalapeños,
A dash Salt,
A splash of EVOO.
Process it in the food processor until it is unrecognizable.
Simmer over a low fire until the pasta is ready
Go to the freezer and retrieve whatever meat you can find, I guess chicken will work, chop in little pieces and stir-fry.
Plate and serve with your favorite Kool-aid.
OK, OK! I guess Bobby Flay will not be calling me for any “throw down”.
It may not be the traditional RAGU but it is taste good...especially when you are hungry.
Thank you Lord Jesus for the food we eat
Thank you for this special treat
Thank you, for the neighbors so kind
Please help me keep my blessing in mind.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Doubts And Questions
Brand new Deacon Patrick Knippenberg gave a killer homily today…the kind that makes you sit on the edge of your seat and tugs at your insides. It was especially meaningful to me because I live in a world of doubts and unanswered questions.
It was reassuring to learn that faith has as element of doubt in it, because if I knew…if I had positive proof…there would be no need for faith. It was conforting to find out that I was in good company with those that worshiped but doubted.
Mathews gospel 28: 16 -17 “The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. ”
Dear Lord Jesus;
Please forgive my nagging obsessions,
With so many doubts and so many questions.
Strengthen my faith, please send me the grace.
To get me back to home base.
It was reassuring to learn that faith has as element of doubt in it, because if I knew…if I had positive proof…there would be no need for faith. It was conforting to find out that I was in good company with those that worshiped but doubted.
Mathews gospel 28: 16 -17 “The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshiped, but they doubted. ”
Dear Lord Jesus;
Please forgive my nagging obsessions,
With so many doubts and so many questions.
Strengthen my faith, please send me the grace.
To get me back to home base.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Yesterday is gone and today I carry on. It was a gut wrenching experience and I’m glad it's over. It was difficult not to yell at someone…and I sooo.......wanted to. Someone had to be at fault for such stupidity…the only problem was…that it was me.
The “Chernobyl” experience made me wish I had not given up cussing and swearing…perhaps even blasphemy.
Ok…today no more multi-tasking, no more getting everything done at once…if I only get one job done and done right it will be fine.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the lessons learned
Even when the eggs were burned.
I know you are trying to stretch me up
But I don’t know how I can drink your cup.
The “Chernobyl” experience made me wish I had not given up cussing and swearing…perhaps even blasphemy.
Ok…today no more multi-tasking, no more getting everything done at once…if I only get one job done and done right it will be fine.
Lord Jesus, thank you for the lessons learned
Even when the eggs were burned.
I know you are trying to stretch me up
But I don’t know how I can drink your cup.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Watched Pot

They say “a watched pot never boils” but if you add a few eggs…it becomes another Fukushima or Chernobyl with exploding hydrogen gas and complete core meltdown. Actually, I did not watch the pot for just a few seconds and then lapsed into a senior moment that lasted for a full hour. Upon realizing what I had done…I returned home surprised there were no fire-trucks in the front yard. After ventilating the house of all the acrid smoke I decide maybe I had better just put on my pajamas and go back to bed.
Thank you; Lord, for saving my bacon…again.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
This Morning
I set out early with a list of errands to run and odd jobs to do. It was hard not to notice the sun as it came over the horizon glistening with its orangey-yellow hues that lit the pale blue sky…a sky without a single cloud. The only mark was a thin white “con-trail” (condensed moisture from a jet engine) that stretched across the blue from southwest to northeast cutting the heavens in half. The austere beauty reinforced the notion that there is someone out there…someone very intelligent…some designer of the universe that makes this all work. Then, I get the overwhelming feeling that I could reach out and touch the face of God.
Thanks for mornings, I like so much.
Thanks for the face, I love to touch.
Thanks for the sky of awesome blue.
Thanks for the knowledge…I know it’s YOU.
Thanks for mornings, I like so much.
Thanks for the face, I love to touch.
Thanks for the sky of awesome blue.
Thanks for the knowledge…I know it’s YOU.
Friday, May 27, 2011
I Chose You
I stood and listened to today’s gospel, John 15:12-17.
Jesus said to his disciples: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you… …This I command you: love one another."
It was as if He was talking to me and that hit me right between the eyes. The fact that God did chose me and pursued me until I relented, gave in to his wishes and accepted his friendship. Now…for the “love one another” part. Well, I’m still working on that.
Jesus said to his disciples: “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you… …This I command you: love one another."
It was as if He was talking to me and that hit me right between the eyes. The fact that God did chose me and pursued me until I relented, gave in to his wishes and accepted his friendship. Now…for the “love one another” part. Well, I’m still working on that.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
I think I might be a vegetarian and just didn’t know it. Yesterday I was craving some okra and corn. So, I stopped at that Bar-B-Q place named for an uncle’s stray dog…ordered a large fried okra and fried sweat corn, then washed it all down with a soda pop. Delicious! This morning I continued with my vegetable diet and had potatoes and tomatoes. I went to that place with the orange and white striped roof and ordered large fries with extra catsup. Delicious! For lunch I decided to go across the tracks to a place most would not consider an up-scale restaurant. It’s a very busy place…the kinda place you order at the drive-in window then drive to the back door to pick up. I personally prefer to go inside and enjoy the ambiance. I sit at the table that has one leg shorter than the others and watch the locals while they dine on chicken gizzard and burgers. It’s the type place you don’t have to worry about some snobbish waiter trying to place a linen napkin in your lap. This place should be featured on the “Food Channel” they make best onions-rings in the world. A light golden brown crispy batter and the onions are perfectly translucent from being cooked at just the right temperature. The large order makes an entire meal. And that’s what I had. Onions smothered in a red tomato sauce…the kind in the squirt bottle with the name that ends with the letter “Z”. Delicious!!!!!
Vegetables are wonderful when deep fat fried in animal fat. Eat healthy!
Thank you, Lord God, for giving us all the plants to eat.
And thank you for the animal fat to fry them in.
Vegetables are wonderful when deep fat fried in animal fat. Eat healthy!
Thank you, Lord God, for giving us all the plants to eat.
And thank you for the animal fat to fry them in.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Barn Find

I have two vivid memories of lusting or coveting after something. As a child…one was a Red Rider B-B gun, but after several Christmases passing I gave up on that dream. The other, at a bit older age, was a motorcycle. My argument was you can’t shoot your eye out with a motorcycle…motorcycles are inherently safe.
I would spend hours daydreaming of riding off into the sunset just like in the show “Easy Rider”. So, you can call me middle age crazy but that’s not correct…I am closer to seventy than sixty. I guess it’s just old age crazy or just crazy.
The last few days I have felt like a kid at Christmas. I had no idea something could be so exciting. I haven’t been this excited about anything for a long time…and it’s all over a thirty two year old motorcycle. An antique that was forgotten…left in a barn for the last 29 years collecting dust and wasting away. The story goes…It was purchase new by this “Uncle Tio” in 1980. But parked upon his death 3 years later with only 9000 miles on it.
It is known to motorcycle aficionados as an “Airhead”, an R series BMW, the touring model with all the “stuff”…bags and trunks and fairings etc. And it’s all original, it’s all there…it has potential. Ok…so it will take a little work to get it going. Well, maybe a lot of work.
This is the bike of my dreams I hope the dream does not turn into a nightmare.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
June Bug

May 24th
I saw my first June bug of the season…one full week ahead of schedule…crawling along the driveway in the early morning darkness, illuminated only by the light that hangs above the garage. I suppressed the notion to squash it, just because I could. Perhaps God has some plan for that little bug that I am unaware of. I decided to save the capital punishment for those more pesky insects like spiders, mosquitoes and cockroaches. Surely they don’t fit into God’s plan. Like the first snowfall points to the coming of winter, the first June bug must mean summer is almost here.
Thank you, Lord, for the change of seasons
I know that you must have your reasons.
If it was up to me, I would leave out summer
With all the heat I think it’s a bummer.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Clueless Cleopas
Sunday's May 8th gospel (Luke 24: 13-35) was great. I can identify with clueless Cleopas when he asks Jesus “are you the only one that doesn’t know?” It is hard to imagine that Cleopas did not recognize Jesus. But…it is me…totally me…totally clueless…because, I look back on my journey though life…my “walk to Emmaus”…and realize that I had no idea that Jesus was right there with me. The irony of it all is such a stinging reality. When I was at the lowest, most down cast point in my life, that is when my eyes were opened. It was sort of a breaking of my pride that opened my eyes. So when I hear this gospel reading and the words “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke"…and …“he was made known to them in the breaking of bread.”
I have a hard time containing my feelings and emotions.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for what you did.
You are better than the wizard of Id.
You cure the eyes that cannot see.
Thanks for the patience you have with me.
I have a hard time containing my feelings and emotions.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for what you did.
You are better than the wizard of Id.
You cure the eyes that cannot see.
Thanks for the patience you have with me.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Dear Diary,
Today was the most humiliating day of my life…OK, Ok…it was just another day of doing something stupid and humiliating. It all started when I pulled up to the pump to fill my gas-guzzler, inserted the credit card and began answering the litany of questions…debit or credit…Carwash…yes or no…etc, etc. Then comes the biggie…zip code? Well…in a senior moment…I inadvertently transposed the numbers. After several failed tries with the transposed number I canceled the transaction to retrieve my card before the machine ate it. Oh! No! My card…it’s gone. I marched into the store and confronted the manager with my problem. With a puzzled look he immediately accompanied me to the pump unlocked and opened it. Examining every nook and cranny he explaining that these machines unlike an ATM do not take cards but are only card readers. With a sinking feeling I felt in my pocket… there it was…the missing card. Who put that there?
After filling up I drove away crouched low in the seat with my hat pulled down low over my eyes in a funk of disgust and humiliation.
Thank you Lord of these lessons in humility.
It’s just what I need in my age of senility.
Today was the most humiliating day of my life…OK, Ok…it was just another day of doing something stupid and humiliating. It all started when I pulled up to the pump to fill my gas-guzzler, inserted the credit card and began answering the litany of questions…debit or credit…Carwash…yes or no…etc, etc. Then comes the biggie…zip code? Well…in a senior moment…I inadvertently transposed the numbers. After several failed tries with the transposed number I canceled the transaction to retrieve my card before the machine ate it. Oh! No! My card…it’s gone. I marched into the store and confronted the manager with my problem. With a puzzled look he immediately accompanied me to the pump unlocked and opened it. Examining every nook and cranny he explaining that these machines unlike an ATM do not take cards but are only card readers. With a sinking feeling I felt in my pocket… there it was…the missing card. Who put that there?
After filling up I drove away crouched low in the seat with my hat pulled down low over my eyes in a funk of disgust and humiliation.
Thank you Lord of these lessons in humility.
It’s just what I need in my age of senility.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
I don’t know what it is about long hair pulled back into an equine like appendage that I find so fascinating. But, there is something about ponytails on tall, long legged girls that makes my heart lope. Before I get too carried away…trot off in the wrong direction…I must remind myself that ponies are just little horses and by definition horses tails are connected to horses asses.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for these sobering reminders.
Not to mention the much needed blinders.
Keep me focused on You, my pal.
Keep me safe in Your corral.
I know it’s better on Your side of the fence.
Where the meaning life makes perfect horse sense.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for these sobering reminders.
Not to mention the much needed blinders.
Keep me focused on You, my pal.
Keep me safe in Your corral.
I know it’s better on Your side of the fence.
Where the meaning life makes perfect horse sense.
Monday, April 25, 2011
A Public Service Announcement

To all homeowners, apartment dwellers and whoever has access to a refrigerator.
Do not under any circumstances look on top of or touch the top of your refrigerator unless you are HAZMAT qualified/certified and have the entire array of HAZMAT suits and clean up materials.
This morning I made the mistake of placing my hand on top of the refrigerator while talking to my wife. When I withdrew it, my hand was cover with a blackish-gray greasy matter incrusted with a fuzzy substance. After an hour of laborious cleaning I deemed the kitchen safe for habitation. I am debating whether or not to pull out the refrigerator and look in the back where that little dust-collecting fan resides.
I’m having a hard time rationalizing the “what I don’t know won’t hurt me” argument.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Cool Names
I tore each page of useless notes from my spiral notebook and found this dated (4/13/11)
I sat in my usual seat listening to the readings from the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar grilled Shadrack, Meschach, and Abendnego about their faith. And I thought “how cool would it be to have a name like that?”. Well maybe at my age…but probably not growing up…all the other kids would make fun of me. Then I thought…how cool would it be to have the faith that Shadrack, Meschach, and Abendnego had. In spite of all the fiery threats they refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue.
That’s a sobering thought…if I can’t take a little childish name calling…how will I ever pass the test when the furnace is turned up to seven.
Dear Lord Jesus
Thank you for all of your caring over the years.
Thanks for getting me through my childish fears.
Please give me the courage to walk in the fire.
Just don’t turn up the furnace seven times higher.
I sat in my usual seat listening to the readings from the book of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar grilled Shadrack, Meschach, and Abendnego about their faith. And I thought “how cool would it be to have a name like that?”. Well maybe at my age…but probably not growing up…all the other kids would make fun of me. Then I thought…how cool would it be to have the faith that Shadrack, Meschach, and Abendnego had. In spite of all the fiery threats they refused to bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden statue.
That’s a sobering thought…if I can’t take a little childish name calling…how will I ever pass the test when the furnace is turned up to seven.
Dear Lord Jesus
Thank you for all of your caring over the years.
Thanks for getting me through my childish fears.
Please give me the courage to walk in the fire.
Just don’t turn up the furnace seven times higher.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Industrial Solutions
It was day nine of the countdown…the countdown to my wife’s return after a four-month absence from the house. In all the excitement about her returning I forgot that myself, my son and my grandson had been “batching it” and had paid little attention to the house cleaning chores…myself being the worst offender. My main concern was the shower, which I remember had white grout with light blue tile…not greenish brown grout. I searched the grocery store shelves for an industrial solution but found none. All the advertised scrubbing bubbles, foamy cleaners and sudsy solutions were a total failure. I went to garage and retrieve my 2500psi high-pressure sprayer, donned the proper attire (birthday suit) and charged into the jungle like enclosure.
Voila…clean white grout…what a difference and with very little effort. I'm sure my wife will be pleased with the results, I’m no so sure she would approve of the method. Well what she don’t know want hurt her. Now, for the dusting…lets see…where did I put that leaf blower.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all my blessings especially for the right tools to do the job.
Voila…clean white grout…what a difference and with very little effort. I'm sure my wife will be pleased with the results, I’m no so sure she would approve of the method. Well what she don’t know want hurt her. Now, for the dusting…lets see…where did I put that leaf blower.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for all my blessings especially for the right tools to do the job.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Two-Lane Highways
As I drove the winding two-lane highway that followed the swells of the rolling hills and severed the green pastures…I passed through quaint little towns with names ending in “Burg” or “Ville”…towns with names that seem to have too many consonants and not enough vowels. I recollect making the same drive…down this same highway…numerous times in my youth. Back then it seemed like there were always some old people in some old car or pick-up poking along holding up traffic…keeping me from getting to my destination in record time. But today there were no such “old people” holding up progress. I enjoyed having the whole road to myself…life is good…I thought.
Glancing into my rear view mirror I notice a line of vehicles that disappeared over the last hill. At that moment I realized that I was the “old people” in my 14-year-old car…poking along. I looked down to make sure my blinker was not on. least I didn't have that embarrassment to deal with.
Life is good…it’s all about change. I‘ve changed my ways…I now recognize that sometimes you just have to pull over and let the rest of the world go by.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a changed life.
Glancing into my rear view mirror I notice a line of vehicles that disappeared over the last hill. At that moment I realized that I was the “old people” in my 14-year-old car…poking along. I looked down to make sure my blinker was not on. least I didn't have that embarrassment to deal with.
Life is good…it’s all about change. I‘ve changed my ways…I now recognize that sometimes you just have to pull over and let the rest of the world go by.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a changed life.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Can’t Stop Smiling
Tuesday…as I drove to work I could feel a silly grin pulling the corners of my mouth upward into a smirk of a smile. My entire being was still giggling with delight at the thought of my weekend adventure. The flight up to Lubbock, on Friday, took three hours due to a miserable headwind. And the clear skies allowed the West Texas sun to warm the plowed fields…causing strong thermals to push up and meet me at 10,500ft. While the ride was a bit rough I considered it a small price to pay in lieu of a nine-hour, five hundred mile drive. Besides I was excited to visit my dear sweet Mary after a three–month separation and a few bumps were of little concern. It was sort of a two-day date. We even went out to a very nice restaurant…the kind without a menu…the waiter just tells you what they are cooking and you don’t ask the price. It was fun…the food was great and the company was wonderful. I didn’t have to share “the company” with anyone else…it was just the two of us and it was as exciting and as intense as our first date over 44 years ago. Sunday afternoon came all to soon. I check the weather for the return flight and found that the wind had picked up. While the official weather was for Visual Flight Rules (VFR) they also reported winds 240 degrees, 30 knots gusting to 45 with blowing dust. That was a direct cross wind for the little grass strip I was to depart from. Not to worry my wife I tried to show no concern while vision from the show “Flying Wild Alaska” entered my head. I kissed her goodbye and climbed into the cockpit. The take off went rather well…in spite of my rusty piloting skills…thankfully the grass runway was very forgiving. As I climbed out the blowing dust became an issue. While officially it was Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) I could not see the horizon…much less anything else in front of me. I instinctively went to my flight instruments and had to rely on my less that proficient instrument skills. Then there was that fuel stop with my less that stellar landing and the take-off…it was more across the runway than down the runway. After climbing over the dust storm into clear blue skies and smooth air the remainder of the flight was quite boring.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a wonderful weekend, an exciting flight, and a fantastic visit. Thank you for a wife to share with my “going to be 105 year old” mother-in-law. Thank you for a smile I can’t get off my face.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a wonderful weekend, an exciting flight, and a fantastic visit. Thank you for a wife to share with my “going to be 105 year old” mother-in-law. Thank you for a smile I can’t get off my face.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Good Friday is right around the corner and I haven’t really given up anything except going down the “belly-bean” aisle at HEB. I do not know how much longer I can hold out…every time I pass by aisle # 8 my shopping cart turns toward the colossal belly bean dispenser like a forked peach limb or divining rod in the hands of a douser. The thought of scoring a bag of reds or yellows haunts me as if I were a drug addict. The thought of a bag of liquorice delights is almost unbearable. Then…I realize what a spiritual wimp I am when I think about how painful a nail through the hand must be.
Dear Lord Jesus
You ask so little
Still yet I piddle.
Even though it’s late
You fill my plate.
I have not a clue
Of all you do.
But what I see
You are good to me.
Dear Lord Jesus
You ask so little
Still yet I piddle.
Even though it’s late
You fill my plate.
I have not a clue
Of all you do.
But what I see
You are good to me.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Return Trip

I set the altimeter to 30.15, leveled off at 7500 feet and let the air speed true out at 167 kts (192mph) while I turned to 130 degrees on the heading. Peering through the holes in the overcast I could see the patchwork of the Texas High Plains farmland pass beneath me as I returned home. The uneventful flight gave me to time to reflect on a weekend filled with mixed emotions. I was glad to be going home but unhappy to be leaving my wife. I was glad she was staying to care for her mother but a part of me was sad that she would not be taking care of me. I was happy my mother-in-law was better but sad knowing her time was limited. I was happy to be flying 192 mph instead of driving 70 mph. There are two sides to every coin and I am thankful that I have a pocketful of coins.
Thank you Lord Jesus
for all my blessings, those I have so many.
Thanks for all the gifts, these I have a plenty.
For a life sublime, there is nothing so fine.
It is Your example I must keep in mine.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
God's Best Work
Dear Father God,
Please be advised that I overwhelmingly approve of your handy work. It has come to my attention that you made man in your image and likeness but you really hit a home run on your second time at bat. When you made women you totally outdid yourself.
Of course it only makes sense. In my experience building stuff, the second prototype affords the opportunity to refine all the parameters; usually the first one has bugs in it. For example: testosterone or whiskers, which have no apparent use, other than to get man into trouble. Nevertheless, I am totally thrilled by your best work...women. I like the wiggle when they walk and the giggle when they talk. Their hair, their face, their voice…it’s poetry in motion…they are pleasing to the eye and they warm the heart. Everything is in the right place…they have a special symmetry and balance…a certain “je ne sais quoi”.
Detroit’s best work was the ‘57 Chevy. Your best work is women. And the very best part is the one you picked for me. I will be eternally grateful for that bit of Devine providence. I just wanted to drop you this short note to let you know, but I guess you already know that.
Sincerely Yours,
Your “not so” faithful servant
Please be advised that I overwhelmingly approve of your handy work. It has come to my attention that you made man in your image and likeness but you really hit a home run on your second time at bat. When you made women you totally outdid yourself.
Of course it only makes sense. In my experience building stuff, the second prototype affords the opportunity to refine all the parameters; usually the first one has bugs in it. For example: testosterone or whiskers, which have no apparent use, other than to get man into trouble. Nevertheless, I am totally thrilled by your best work...women. I like the wiggle when they walk and the giggle when they talk. Their hair, their face, their voice…it’s poetry in motion…they are pleasing to the eye and they warm the heart. Everything is in the right place…they have a special symmetry and balance…a certain “je ne sais quoi”.
Detroit’s best work was the ‘57 Chevy. Your best work is women. And the very best part is the one you picked for me. I will be eternally grateful for that bit of Devine providence. I just wanted to drop you this short note to let you know, but I guess you already know that.
Sincerely Yours,
Your “not so” faithful servant
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