Saturday, March 7, 2009


In the wee hours of the morning I sit in the last pew trying to hold back the tears of gratitude. I can’t help but think that it is only by Your grace I am here. Here in this church thanking You for letting me be born into a Christian family. Thanking You for parents that drug me to church (against my will) and for giving me a good wife who never allows me to stray very far from the straight and narrow. I think of the all this and the young man who died last week. I was told, after the fact, he was a pagan…a real practicing pagan. How naive I am to think that pagans disappeared with the dark ages. I wonder how someone ends up where he did. And I think, how sad to not know what lies beyond the turmoil, pain and suffering of this world. And how depressing to think someone does not know that this world is just a test to see where you will reside for the rest of eternity. How miserable it must be to just flounder with no moral compass, no one to throw out the yellow flag when you get off sides.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being my north star.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being my referee
I pray Lord that You guide me to the ultimate destination and that I play the game of life with the fewest possible yellow flags



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