Saturday, March 7, 2009


Religious Preference?
I always check the box marked Catholic or Christian. But is this just a knee jerk reaction or is it what I really am. I lived the first forty two years of my life as a wannabe agnostic…believing more in what the world was teaching. Stuff like; only SOB’s succeed, it’s OK if I think it’s OK, the American dream, and of course free-love, an oxymoron by the way. I had heard about God from the very beginning but I did not want to believe because God had too many rules. I preferred selfishness and self importance…it seemed to make a lot more sense. Besides there was no box marked “Materialistic Bastard”.

But I have changed my thinking. It was not a bolt of lightning knocking me off of my high horse…perhaps more of a mild electric shock that jolted me back to reality. I was not having fun in my parenthetical Pinocchio world with no strings attached. There was nothing but depression, worrying and anxiety. I was trying to be someone I was not nor could ever be. Just at the right time God, the Holy Spirit, or some person of that trio sent a regular guy to plant the seed. “Have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior” says he. Well! No, not really…I just check the box marked “Catholic”. “Besides they don’t do that, do they?” I thought. “Isn’t that a protestant thing?”

So what have I learned?

1) Thinking out loud is dangerous.
2) Jesus is the answer to every question.
3) I need to know more about the answer.

Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Chapter One
“The desire for God is written in the human heart, because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for.”



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