Friday, March 20, 2009

Pondering Pain

In the early morning dark the moist chilly air was uncomfortable as it rushed over me. Gradually the slow burn from my legs circulated throughout my entire body until I welcomed the cool air as it refreshed and carried away the unwanted heat generated by my pedaling. The dense fog gave things an eerie cast and made the light from a lonesome car disburse and backlight each and ever particle of moisture. I pondered the meaning of it all. I thought of life and death, suffering and pain. I thought of my aging aunt who had recently fallen and broken her arm and how much pain she must be in. I thought of you, Lord Jesus, and how much pain you went though and still do…when I, your child, do prideful things and say “it doesn’t hurt anyone else”. That part I have only come to understand and appreciate because of my children. Is that why you give us that they bring us to our knees? I am sure their view point is “it’s not hurting anyone else”. But it does hurt…it hurts me when I see them hurting themselves…breaking Your commandments. Oh yeah! Sorry about that…Mom and Dad…all that I put you through. Yes! If I only knew then what I know now…it would have been different.

Thank you, Lord, for giving meaning to pain and suffering.
Please accept my meager aches and pains as a small token of my appreciation for what you have done for me.
Please, Lord Jesus, help me keep my eyes focused on You.


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