Friday, January 22, 2016

I Wiggle And Squirm

As I endeavored to sit quietly and listen to what God is saying to monkey mind swings from one illogical notion to another.  I fumble through the rosary in a mindless mouthing of words, losing my place and restarting the repetitious prayers numerous times. 
Help me Lord to be still and listen...for here I sit with pen and paper ready to record what you tell me…yet no words are heard.

Dear Lord Jesus,

Here I sit/ I wiggle and squirm
Hoping your words/ will confirm
My longing for direction/ on my sojourn
In this I pray/ for the long term.

Thank you, Lord/ for putting up with me
Your love is unfathomed/ how can that be.
What You have done/ I can clearly see
The ultimate act/ just for me.

All I have/ is a humble Thank You.
That can never repay/ all that you do
Please pour out your grace/ upon me…a sinner
So I might run the race/ with you…a winner.


Note To A Friend Feeling Rejected

I gave some thought to you last night
Had no idea that you and God were tight
The Christ was rejected and pushed away
And that’s exactly what you say.

All the saints that Our Lord marked
On suffering and pain they embarked
It was not for them but God’s glory
And that’s the moral to my story.

I pray this prayer will give you courage
And not your efforts it discourage
Keep up your toils in God’s works
Even when folks act like jerks.
