Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Too Much TV

Dear Diary

One can only watch so much TV.  I’m not sure what is worse the “News” or “Real Housewives of Never-Never Land”.  Both seem to have a lot of unnecessary drama and very little useful information.  Actually eating is my favorite pastime…but I had consumed my daily calorie allowance by 11am.  So, I set out on my bicycle taking a circuitous route to St. Mary’s Church as I had heard rumors that it was open all day and the Blessed Sacrament was exposed.  I'm thinking let’s see what God has to say about this COVID-19 thing.  Sure enough the church was open but no exposed Blessed Sacrament.  I was a bit disappointed but the little red candle was burning so I knew Jesus was in.  I didn’t need all my fingers the count the number of people in the church…not even all the finger on one hand.  So I slipped in to the last pew and sat down.  My clothes were soaked with perspiration after pedaling over 10 mile in the 90-degree heat.  As I calmed myself and the sweat dried I began to count my blessings.  Even though we are in a worldwide crisis…it’s not so bad.  My roof doesn’t leak; the electricity is on, the water works, there is food in the fridge and I have money in my pocket.  And most importantly I know God is in charge. A toilet paper shortage just doesn’t compare to swarms of locust.

Dear Lord,
I don’t want to focus
Upon those locust
But rather thank you
For all that you do.

I must keep in mind
You’ve been too kind
Now I’m in dutch
You’ve done so much.

It’s no time to frown
When the chips are down
But seize courage ample
And follow your example.

If the truth be told
It is time to be bold
Time to alter my behavior.
And follow my Lord and Savior.


Sunday, March 22, 2020

Stuck At Home

How strange it felt not being allowed to attend Sunday Mass but would have to watch it on TV.  In times gone by I would have welcomed the opportunity to miss Sunday Mass.  The gospel today was a poignant reminder of that “…I was blind but now I see”. John 9:25
At first I thought…OK…I just wear my flip-flops and T-shirt, lie on the couch and passively observe. But that did not seem quite right. So I dressed in my Sunday uniform, suit and tie.  The same suit and tie I wear every Sunday.  I always wear the same suit, same tie and same shirt every Sunday…my hope is that on judgment day Jesus will recognize me.  I’m hoping for a “Didn’t I see you at my fathers house?”…Well, one can hope.

Dear Jesus

For someone without a clue
I know this is a gospel true
That you are the perfect Jew
That saved a world in a stew.

I am on longer sad and blue
For out of sin us you drew
This is when I really knew
To you Lord praise is due.

So, this is my prayer to You
That there only be just a few
That catch this crazy China flu
Thank you Lord for all you do.


Friday, March 20, 2020

Social Distance

Social distancing does not bother an introvert like me in the least.  I consider it sort of a vacation, a break from those awkward group gatherings at which I am so inept.  I’m not anti social…I just lack any social skills.  

It is a blessing to me to be able to sit alone in my room and ruminate, think about stuff, important stuff, like the meaning of life and why people couldn’t be more like Sponge Bob…less brain and more heart.
Ok, maybe just stupid stuff. But, I discovered that I become boarded very easily.  

So, I looked for another option to entertain myself…besides eating.  After empting a full inch of rain from the gage I mounted my bicycle and went for an adventure along the almost empty streets with gray overcast skies and dark storm clouds off in the distance.

After pedaling the vacant back roads and bucking a 15-knot northeast wind for more than a half hour I turned back toward town.  With the wind at my back my spirits soared and the burn in my legs dissipated.  

I sailed down the highway passed the crowded Walmart parking lot and noticed many businesses were locked up and lights off.  It was a strange and eerie feeling. 

Dear Lord Jesus,

As my thoughts start to gel.
I pray you keep the nation well.
And the fear only you can quell.
So thank you for the place I dwell.

Sometimes I could just yell.
And withdraw into my shell.
But at the time of the final knell.
Everything will turn out swell.

Thank you for my good health.
Thank you for ample wealth.
Thank you for an amazing wife.
Thank you; Lord, for a fantastic life.


Monday, March 2, 2020

Forced Prayer

Today marks my completion of 75 years on this planet, 75 trips around the sun, 43,800 million miles plus another 12miles that I rode on my bicycle this very morning.  While the years and miles are starting to add up I’m still in relatively good health. But the inevitable end of the road is drawing nearer and nearer.  So, I’m starting to think about long range planning, starting to invest in “futures”…in eternity…in God’s stuff.  For it seems that it is the only sensible alternative for the future. I could be wrong but all the other options appear to be dead-ends.  So in an attempt to straighten up and fly right I’ve started to pray. Admittedly it is force prayer. I really have to make myself do it…it’s not easy.  I’d rather be wasting my time flipping channels or taking naps.  
In a recent talk about Lenten practices; prayer, fasting and almsgiving, Bishop Emeritus David Fellhauer mentioned that God loves forced prayer.  Well, I can guarantee mine is forced.

Thank you, Lord, for all my many blessings especially for my best friend and wife, the most amazing Miss Mary.