Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Other Side Of Maturity

I find myself regressing back to a child like state.  Both mentally and physically I am aging,  getting old, becoming elderly. 

I catch myself wondering if my fly is unzipped in the middle of church.  


My birthday count has exceeded my moronic IQ.  All my conversations are about aches and pains or my latest medical operation.


No matter how you put it…when your brown hair turns gray and your gray matter turns to a mushy brown substance you have to start wondering about what comes next.


I’m not really worried about leaving this world…as most of the items on my bucket list have been checked off.  I’ve never missed a meal…I’ve definitely been blessed.  But…my concern is “Judgment Day” and the all-just God.  I am not interested in receiving a just reward.  I am hoping that an all-merciful Jesus will step in and give me an undeserved reward.  



Selfishness is not the thing to do.

Of your rules I had no clue.

I wanted to have and eat my cake.

Finding true happiness far too late.


Forgive me, Lord, for what I messed up.

Give me courage to drink from the cup.

When I arrive on that big day.

Mercy is for what I pray.



Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Philosophy and Funerals

As my birthday count gets closer to the three-digit category I’m starting to recognize more names in that section of the paper toward the back.  


As of late I’ve attended a plethora of funeral and perused numerous obituaries of folks in my age group.


All of this has given rise to thoughts of my own departure from this planet and how my obituary will read.


I can only imagine it will be nothing more than a blank page with two dated separated by a dash and a small footnote than reads.


“He came into the vineyard at the very last hour of the day in the hope of receiving an undeserved reward…even though he had no grape picking shills.”