Sunday, May 15, 2016

I Saw A Sign

As the prison sally gate slammed shut behind me I saw a sign.  It read: “Texas Department of Criminal Justice” With some amusement I thought, “Department of Justice”.  Really!
This world’s justice is far from just.  It is anything but fair.  If it were really just…really fair we would all be locked up.  We are all guilty of breaking some rule.  We are all guilty of doing stupid stuff. 
If we were honest, really honest with ourselves…we would all be on the inside…inside the fenced area…all wearing white jump suits.
No one escapes real justice, God’s justice…we will all have to do some “time”.
We will all have to suffer the consequences of our actions…If not in this life…in the next.

What’s the up side?  God’s mercy…God’s grace…God’s forgiveness.
For God bestows his mercy on even the guilty.
No mater who you are…no matter what you’ve done…no matter how many nails you have driven into the hands and feet of Jesus...God will forgive you.
Jesus will take you back…Jesus will welcome you home…Jesus will wrap his loving arms around you.

All you have to do is ask.  All I have to do is ask.
Now, that sounds easy…but it is a struggle…an everyday struggle.  And I struggle every day.

It is not fair, I shout and swear,
The world’s too cruel and hard to bear.
But then I think, I’m in the pink
And why should I make such a stink.

What have I possibly done,
To deserve just even one,
Of the blessings you’ve shown
In spite of the time I have blown.

I realize, to my surprise
You have garnered the eternal prize
You have taken that nail in stride
All because of my selfish pride

Into the vineyard I came late
But in Your hands I place my fate.
Dear Lord Jesus forgive me please
For here I am upon my knees.
