Sunday, December 25, 2022

Mother’s Fruit Cake

Each year I search my mother’s old cookbooks in vain looking for that Christmas fruitcake recipe, a recipe lost in time. I remember as a child that once a year she would prepare this culinary delight that took a couple of months to properly season. Each day she would remove the round tin from it’s hiding place, pour a jigger of Jack Daniels best over the cup towel wrapped cake then return it to the closet’s top shelf, out of the reach of children.  

This year’s attempt at replicating her masterpiece again fell short of my expectations.  Maybe I have embellished my recollections or just perhaps it is missing the love and care mother bake into this special treat.

Merry Christmas, 


Saturday, December 3, 2022

Young Women and Classic Cars

 I find myself attracted to young women and classic cars with their timeless body style and stunning appearance. 


But then I have to remind myself that both are a source of unending problems.


Under that bonnet…that hood…looms a monumental amount of maintenance.


That’s when a grin creeps across my face and I realize that I’m perfectly content in the company of my older wife with her fantastic personality and my newer car with no personality.


And so it is…my on going battle with concupiscence.


Thank you Lord for all my blessings.  Especially the amazing Miss Mary you put in my life…not to mention a reliable vehicle.

