Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Change Is Good

I’ve noticed a change.  No longer do I look at my watch counting the agonizing seconds and minutes tick by.  My focus seems to have shifted from the preoccupation of trying to escape…to hanging on every word that is spoken.  I still manage to daydream and mentally wander off but it is not intentional. 
Yes, something has changed.  Some strange force pulls me to that place…that place of tranquility and peace.  I need my daily fix.  I need my battery recharged.  Actually it is more like a jump-start.  Some days it’s like the shock from a deliberator.
I’ll be in my pew trying not to daydream and something triggers a tsunami that generates an ego-crushing wave of humility that washes over me and leaves me with a salty trickle running down my cheeks.  And then comes the backwash…the backwash that sucks every bit of uncertainty, doubt and any lack of understanding God’s mysterious ways out to sea and drowns it…leaving nothing but the belief that God is real…God is alive and He bestows his grace even on the guilty, even on me.  

Dear Jesus, 
I suffer from a spiritual mange
That’s kinda weird and kinda strange
I know I need a daily change
So You my life can rearrange.

Thank you for the jump-start
I know I may not be too smart
But when my life goes off the chart
It is to You that I dart.


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Getting Old Is Not For Wimps

They say getting old is not for wimps.  But a wimp I am. 
I can see why this could be true.  I can no longer perform the physical feats I once could do.
But I think life is better when you get old.  Because I don’t care…I don’t care what anyone thinks about me.
It no longer matters that I never amounted to much.  Now the stress that accompanied that egotistical idea is gone. 
It took me a lifetime to figure out that God loves me…Yes…God loves me…and Jesus proved it.
Now my main concern is not disappointing God…this is a far less stressful situation than trying to please the world.

Dear Lord Jesus

Although a wimp I may be
Now I place my trust in Thee
I never did amount to much
But now I long for your loving touch.

This world is such a scary place
I much prefer your smiling face.
I am getting old but do not care
I am looking forward to being there.

I pray this prayer in your sight
Give me courage for the fight.
Help this wimp run the race
Please fill my heart with your grace.


Saturday, February 6, 2016

It's Not Fair

It isn't fair/ that world out there
I whimpered and I cried.
For what they do/ is take from you,
while hurling remarks of snide.

I often squalled/ wailed and bawled.
How could they be so mean?
Woe is me/ rang out my plea.
Their spite was so extreme.

And so I fell/ into my hell
On them I placed the blame.
Until I woke/ saw I'm the bloke
That ought to be a shame.

I realized/ to my surprise.
I just could not help but note.
The one that died and never lied.
Was really my scape goat.

It isn't fair/ that world out there,
they whimpered and they cried.
For what we do/ we have not a clue.
and for this, my Jesus died.

I can't complain/ about my pain
I have much more that I deserve.
I'm blessed to be/ loved by Thee
And now I'm pleased to serve.


Monday, February 1, 2016

A Note To God

Today I heard/ from a little bird/ that you were waiting to hear from me.
In utter surprise/ I could not disguise/ my feelings of delight and glee.
So I sat down/ without my frown/ and penned a note to Thee.

I tried to say/ in some sane way/ what you really mean to me
But words fail/ to tell the tale/ of all that it can be.
Just to think/ I’m in the pink/ all because of Thee.

You did it all/ you took the fall/ nailed to that tree.
My heart it sunk/ I was in a funk/ I realized cause of me.
So I’m blown away/ know not what to say/ when I hear you want me.

I cannot repay/ one single day/ thru all eternity
The grace you give/ it lets me live/ even guilty me.
I’ll swallow my pride/ stand by your side / and pray I never flee.
