Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Into The Dark

As I stepped outside into the dark early morning, wearing nothing but my under garments, on a mission to deploy the water sprinkler…I stubbed my toe on a pile of construction materials left from my current home improvement project. The pain shot up my leg as I recovered from my stumble without completely falling. As I hobbled back inside to doctor my bloody toe…I couldn’t help but think how this stupidity paralleled the stupidity in my spiritual life. How many times have I allowed the “evil one” to lure me into the darkness where I would stub my toe and sometimes fall? How stupid, when…with just a little effort, I could have dressed myself and turned on the light?

O Lord God I praise your name
I bow to you in all your fame

Thank you for your gifts so many
For these indeed I have a plenty

Please, Dear Lord, light up the dark
For You’re my everlasting spark

Dress me in your protecting grace
And keep me safe ‘til I see your face


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