Saturday, October 10, 2009

It’s Possible?

“It ain’t the parts of the bible I can’t understand that bothers me…it’s the parts I do understand”
-Samuel Clements better know as Mark Twain-

Today’s reading (Mark 10: 17-30) is a passage I…do….understand.

I say that because, I am the man who observed all these things. I didn’t shoot anyone, I didn’t cheat on my wife, I didn’t rob a banks, I didn’t gossip, I tried to honor my parents. I considered myself good person. But like the man in the gospel my lust for material possessions was my god.

The bible doesn’t tell us how his story ended…but I can tell you what happened to me.

My pursuit of material things kept me separated from God. My pursuit of material stuff was like digging a deep dark metaphorical hole. A hole I dug for 42 years.
God patiently watched and waited…until the day I wanted out…but by then the hole was so deep and I could not get out.
In the pit of my despair, when I thought I had exhausted all my options for escape, God sent a messenger. It was just a guy from down the street wearing a short sleeve white shirt and khaki pants. He suggested that I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.

In desperation I cried out to Jesus. I let Him in to my heart, for the first time in my life,
and HE began to warm that cool dark place.

I am happy to say that today I am a recovering sinner and have been for 21 years, 11 month and 17 days.
My addiction…to material possessions…no longer holds me hostage. While it is true:
Some days I take 12 steps forward and 11 backward …. I am making progress.

So, may I suggest that if you are stuck in a rut or in a deep dark hole…remember:
For human beings it is impossible, but not for God.
With God, all things ARE possible.

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