Friday, September 10, 2010

Stepping Over The Line

I went to bed with a heavy heart and an awfully sick empty feeling. One of my grandsons who spends a lot of time at our house has grown extremely familiar with my generally “whatever” attitude about following the house rules that my wife has placed in effect. Last night…He stepped over the line. After she told him…he was not allowed to play his violent and disgustingly brutal video game that day…I observed him doing just that. I gave him a one-minute warning to stop before I would turn it off. To which he responded, “as soon as I am finished”. At the end of the one-minute warning period…I turned off the power to his X-Box, which ignited a volcanic response. In one motion I grab him up and pinned him against the wall, explaining that breaking rules leads to irreversible consequences…many of which are extremely painful. After a “Yes Sir” response to the question “do you understand?” I released him. Apparently, that got his attention.

I prefer being the grandfather not the father. I fancy the warm fuzzy feel of being best buddies not the haunting responsibility of being a conscientious father, trying to raise up a God fearing child. I can only imagine how our heavenly Father feels when I step over the line. It really hurts and there’s no getting around it.

Forgive me, Father God, for ignoring your rules,
Even if done by scores of fools
I think now, I get it, through Your life-skill schools.

The choice to love can break a heart,
I must admit I don’t like that part,
But all in all, I think it’s smart.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for the lessons learned,
Thank you for a grandson spurned,
Thank you for Your love…unearned.


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