Wednesday, March 13, 2013

It’s Later Than You Think

I awoke from my Sunday afternoon nap feeling guilty about not doing anything.  Mulling over the list stuff I needed to do...I realized how little time I had left.   According a Harvard Health Publication the average fast food eating male in this country lives to the age of 81.6 years.  My math tells me I only have 14.6 years left.  Subtracting 33.3 % for the normal 8 hours of sleep each night reduces the time significantly but when you throw in a 4-hour nap the number jumps to a whopping 50 % time loss…this effectively cuts the time to 7.3 years…7.3 years of being awake and in a conscious or semi conscious state.  
If you deduct the amount of time I spend daydreaming it cut the time to a shocking 3 ½ years.  It is much later that I thought.

Dear Lord Jesus,
Give me the grace to spend my time doing stuff you want me to do. 

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