Tuesday, August 8, 2017

How Do I Know?

In spite of all the dumb things I've done. In spite of all the people I've hurt…family, friends and those I don't even know...God loves me. 
After years of trying to hide from God and thinking God couldn't possibly love me I finally realized how wrong I was. 
How did I figure this out?  Hindsight.  20/20 hindsight.
Riding motorcycles, flying airplanes and living on the edge have gotten me into many life threatening situations that were totally beyond my skill level.
Looking back over the decades I realized that I have been plucked out of harms way by some force greater than me…some supernatural power.   
Yes, at the time I attributed it to luck.  But, I have come to believe it was not luck.  I'm convinced there is some supernatural power out there that is watching over me and watching out for me.  I choose to call that supernatural power…God. The God of Abraham, the God of Jacob, the God of Isaac…the same God whose only son died for us.  For the first time in a long time I realized that “us” included me. 
God loves ME.  What a humbling thought.
Now, I'm not smart enough to prove any of this. It is just something I have come to believe and come to know in my bones.
Yes, I’ve decided to believe in an unbelievable God…an unbelievable God that does unbelievable things.  I also choose to believe his rules, commandments and recommendations…no mater how counterintuitive they seem to be.
It might seem that his rules are 180 degrees out of phase with what the secular world thinks.  But, for me, I know God’s guidelines for happiness, peace and joy do actually work. 
This is what gives me hope.
This gives me peace in this world of “crazy”, a world I can no longer make sense of. 
It is something worth considering if there is any irritation, unrest or unnecessary drama in your life. 
God loves all his children…even me…so I know God love you.

Jesus saves. 

Thank you; Lord, for all you’ve done.
Now I know that you’re the one.
The one who cracked my conundrum.

You were there when I didn’t care.
and save me from that deadly snare.
You’re the one who took the fall.
You’re the one who did it all.


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