Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuna Salad

As I remove the stainless steel mixing bowl from the cabinet…the bowl that belonged to my mother…it brings back childhood memories… recollections of my mother’s tuna salad made in this very bowl. Every Friday she would prepare a batch of canned “sea chicken”. Although I cannot say for sure what the exact ingredients were or verify the exact proportions of each ingredient …I make it exactly the way she did. Over the years the tuna has morphed into Albacore and the Miracle-Whip into mayonnaise and who knows what other subtle changes have evolved…but the memories are unchanged and no less vivid. I remember the entire family sitting around the kitchen table eating together with no TV in the background, no carpooling children to soccer, or band practice and no going out on dates. There was no talking with your mouth full or leaving the table early. There was family time; there was doing the dishes (if it was your turn); there was sitting up straight; and there were manners.

I stir in the pickle relish, add salt and pepper, and taste. Yep! That’s it! Just like mom’s.

My mother has been gone for forty-five years but I miss her. I look forward to the day that I see her again just to say “I love you”. I know she must be a saint now. I can take credit for that because…I was the one who kept her on her knees.

Thank you Jesus, for that special mother.
Thank you Lord, for no other.
Thank you for those mem-o-ries
Thank you Lord from my knees

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