Sunday, September 27, 2009

Keep On Keeping On

In desperation I strained to move my seemingly paralyzed legs as the approaching locomotive bared down on me with frightening speed. With its mammoth size only inches away… my visions of a devastating impact were imminent. A deafening horn sounded and in a fit of panic and disorientation my flailing arms managed to land a disabling blow directly on the snooze button. I struggled from my unconscious state into the early morning reality. Admittedly I was glad to be awake…and alive…but I found very little interest in getting ready for the day. The warm bed still held a certain allure that I couldn’t seem to shake. But I knew if I did not force myself to get dressed, get on my bike and pedal down to daily Mass…the day would be a complete train wreck with nothing to show for it but feelings of guilt and regrets over my laziness.

So I pressed on…thinking and questioning… how do people with real problems get though the day? How do drug addicts make it? How do people without homes or without food carry on? Here I am with every blessing imaginable and I struggle to keep my sanity, to keep focused on what’s important and to keep Jesus as my number one priority. I have heard it said, “You may have to live in this world…but you don’t have to be a part of it.” I prefer this analogy, “Your boat has to be in the water but you don’t have to have water in your boat.”

Well…I don’t need a boating disaster or a train wreck.

Dear Lord, please give me the strength to keep bailing water today.

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