Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Summer’s End

Dragging myself from the couch I turned off the TV’s depressing news broadcast and cranked up my wife’s lawnmower. There was a noticeable and amazing change in the weather. In South Texas some people tell me that the 15th of September is the end of summer. This doesn’t exactly agree with the Gregorian calendar which designates September 22nd as the autumnal equinox. This is the day that the earth’s axis has zero degrees of tilt and the north and south poles are equidistant from the sun…the beginning of autumn. Even though the days have been getting shorter for the last three months…due to the thermal flywheel effect it is only now I can actually go outside without collapsing from heat exhaustion or having to use supplemental oxygen to breathe. While not exactly a “Blue Norther” the northerly eighty degree breeze made being outside quite pleasant.

I could not help but think that in this nation gone crazy… with all the crazy people calling the “new north” south, calling evil good, and calling economic decline progress…that God is still in charge. God still makes the world go around, makes the seasons come and go and makes sense of a nonsensical world. After all…this is nothing new…history has recorded that the majority of political leaders were bad or evil people…so why should I think this is a perfect nation.

God’s north is still north, God’s truth is still true, God’s power is still sovereign.

I need to increase my determination to follow my moral compass no matter what direction the rest of the world goes.

Thank you, Jesus, for being my north star.
Please give me the ability, the courage and the strength to follow You on my journey to a perfect world where evil and crazy are not allowed.


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