Monday, May 9, 2011

Clueless Cleopas

Sunday's May 8th gospel (Luke 24: 13-35) was great. I can identify with clueless Cleopas when he asks Jesus “are you the only one that doesn’t know?” It is hard to imagine that Cleopas did not recognize Jesus. But…it is me…totally me…totally clueless…because, I look back on my journey though life…my “walk to Emmaus”…and realize that I had no idea that Jesus was right there with me. The irony of it all is such a stinging reality. When I was at the lowest, most down cast point in my life, that is when my eyes were opened. It was sort of a breaking of my pride that opened my eyes. So when I hear this gospel reading and the words “Were not our hearts burning within us while he spoke"…and …“he was made known to them in the breaking of bread.”
I have a hard time containing my feelings and emotions.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for what you did.
You are better than the wizard of Id.
You cure the eyes that cannot see.
Thanks for the patience you have with me.

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