Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Dream

I dream of having perfectly clear thoughts with crystal clear logic and understanding and imagine myself among the great thinkers…guys like Socrates, Aristotle and St Augustine. I feel as though I understand all the mysteries of life and the intricacies and subtleties of the human mind. As I wallow in my smugness and self importance it occurs to me that I’ve never had one clear contiguous thought in my entire life. I’m totally baffled by the world and all the confusion and mayhem. Nothing seems to make any sense. I have no idea why they are fighting and continue to fight in the Middle East. I can make no sense of what our politicians are saying and less out of what they are doing. It’s scary to be the lowest form of life in the intellectual food chain.

Here is something else I don’t understand. Why is it that the only safe place I can find is in Jesus and the promise He makes? He is my only refuge. It defies all logic and clear thinking. Oh! I forgot…I’m not a thinker…I had better go with my heart not my head.

Thank you, Jesus, for being my security blanket.
Thank you, Jesus, for sending the message to my heart instead of my head.
Please Lord; show me how to live in this world without being a part of it.



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