Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Saying the Rosary

I fumbled with my rosary as I tried to concentrate, tried to focus my little ADD (attention deficit disorder) brain on the sorrowful mysteries. I even had the “how to” pamphlet in front of me. It seems I had only gotten off a few Hail Marys before my mind began to wander and wonder. Does the red wire connect to the 24 volts and the blue wire to the fan terminal or is it the green wire? I know the white is for heat and yellow for cool or is it vise versa? But…Oh Yeah! Hail Mary full of grace….should I go out to the ranch and install the starter on the tractor first or finish that thermostat wiring job at the shop. Oh yeah! Our Farther who art in heaven….I didn’t realize you could hear the train whistle inside the chapel. The tracks must be nearly two miles away from church. Oh yeah! Glory be to the Father….Man this is hard. It shouldn’t take this long to say a rosary. Maybe I can get partial credit if I just touch all the beads.

Lord God it seems my prayer life is a disaster. But…I do realize You are the most important person (make that persons, I want to be theologically correct) in my life.

And…I do thank You for all the wonderful blessings you have bestowed on me.

Maybe I just need to thank you for all the crazy thoughts that go through my head.

Any way, I do so enjoy our early Friday morning visits. Thanks so much for that too and I promise to try harder on that rosary thing.



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