Saturday, March 21, 2009

What’s My Zip Code?

I am supposed to be cleaning out the garage to make room for the wife’s car who’s exterior has faded. I meant the car’s exterior not the wife’s. But I began worrying about other issues that seem more important. The economy, the country’s leadership, the moral state of the country in general

My faith in all the above is dwindling. The economy with all the money shufflers and money changers is a problem. I think the rule is: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods". Our neighbor’s goods…that’s what 401Ks and such are made of. Greed seems to be the order of the day…certainly it is neither prudence nor common sense. Our political leaders apparently did not get the memo on “Thou shalt not kill." They are eager to spend our tax dollars on butchering the unborn and partially born in the name of choice and change.

Where am I…Sodom, or possibly Gomorrah? I need to check my zip code. I am feeling like Lot must have felt when he was told to take his family and leave. Sometimes it feels like I am all alone and I think surely there must be fifty others that think as I. Maybe forty-five? Forty? Thirty-five? Twenty five? How about ten? OK! I need to get out of town, change my zip and don’t look back.

Father God thank you for a clear set of absolute truths and rules to follow.
Thank you Jesus for your example of how to follow the rules.
Please, Holy Spirit, help me stay focused on Jesus and not look back.

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