Saturday, March 7, 2009

Train Wreck

Our civilization seems to be headed for an inevitable unavoidable train wreck and there will be no stopping it. Moreover, our country seems to be the lead locomotive, smoke bellowing from its stack as it picks up speed under full throttle.

Christ came into this world to tell us to get off the train; He did not come to stop the train or the train wreck. Stopping the train some how ties into that free-will thing…which I believe was a big mistake. (If I was God…I wouldn’t have given anybody a choice.) Oh! Well! That’s another story.

So…I have to decide what to do. Do I want to stay on the train in my comfortable club car seat sipping my matinee and enjoying the scenery as the train heads for the bright lights of the big city....or do I jump? I need to jump. The sooner I get off the better. I need to take that leap of faith before the train picks up any more speed and it become impossible to get off.

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for showing me how to jump from the train of empty promises.
Thank you, Lord, for giving me the wisdom to jump.
Please Lord, protect me as I pounce and roll down the incline of life.


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